Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Konadcan You Use Resular Nail Polish

you what sport are you doing? Power Qi!

When starting a new exercise / sports, the gym was really aware, or rather really knows what we're about to do can only make us good? This is

the starting point for so many years ago made me want to start putting together a bit of activity, methods which, although several were able to train without creating an "obstacle" to the concept of health.

Health for WHO (World Health organization) is the absence of disease but also a more complete, which would also cover the body and mind.

E 'so that started in yoga postures, postural rehabilitation exercises, Pilates and other experiences, but also educational-athletic sports rehabilitation, I created a "sequence" of movements coordinated with each other, able to train the physical appearance ( abdominal muscles, buttocks, arms, legs, etc..), and supported by a attentive perception of the hearing body. "

The breath, called "Qi" (pronounced "we" from the Chinese) of the breath is the means and the vehicle that leads to mental and physical training.

Perhaps the only words are not enough, here I want this blog to give voice to the knowledge and compare them to grow and improve what is my project.

Let me your questions, tell me that I will answer you.


Funny Congratulations Baby Message

sometimes you want to be a butterfly ...

... wing flapping ... and fly away from a reality that you do not like!
... I WANT TO FLY BY ...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Large Fluid Filled Lump On Dog

Back pain .... AIH AIH AIH! In Fitness First Flick

Often I hear you ask in my class, "I have back pain ... ... mi hanno diagnosticato un "ERNIA DISCALE"..., ... posso fare questa ginnastica...o cosa mi consigli...
Le domande sono veramente tante (ed anche le risposte) considerando che oltre 80% della popolazione soffre di "mal di schiena".
Ma che cos'è "il mal di schiena"?

Possono essere tante le cause e svariate le diagnosi e spesso si va molto ad esperienze personali o per sentito dire. Innanzitutto occorre una giusta e corretta valutazione del "danno".
Spesso anche un semplice affaticamento o uno stress di tipo psicofisico, può portare ad "infiammare" la zona lombare.

Dai una lettura a queste pagine web # 1

you read it? If yes, continue.

The gymnastics is important, or rather do the right
physical activity is important. It is clear that the "
as" I do not underestimate. reluctant to speak of back pain and Qi Power, the
how I do it is the predominant factor.
Aware, Modular of exercise, and ntriamo
in a totally different sphere, not only do "exercises", we introduce physical exercise "feeling body, thus to be given appropriate postural changes and adaptations of the muscles involved.

... In psychology we know that the ego is, especially at the beginning of life, an ego-body ...)
PS (not going into too much detail ... you only confuses the ideas).

and abdominals?
(read : )

Of course the figure is not our case, but the abdominals play several important functions. It 's a muscle that in addition to proper breathing and movement allows the containment of the viscera, and in addition, according to the tables of the muscle chains (Busquet L.), have an action on the system of self-growth
, more than a careful observation tells us that bringing in the right rectus abdominus and transverse contraction, we get to antagonize a misalignment of the back muscles.

For HOW TO ...
follow my lessons and / or talk about it together. Richard

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Para Que Es Quadriderm Nf

. ゚ ☆ \u200b\u200b゚ + +. ... ღ нo cεяcαто dі εѕѕεяε 1000 cоѕε ... ღ. ゚ ☆ \u200b\u200b゚ + +.

I tried to be 1000 things, I tried to wear 1000 different masks … per essere all'altezza di tutto e di tutti.. per non sentirmi mai criticata.. per non vedermi mai un dito puntato contro.. ho giocato a fare la dura..a fare la stronza.. ad essere essere l'amica perfetta.. la ragazza perfetta.. la figlia perfetta..
Ho cercato di essere comprensiva..e imparato a fregarmene.. a dire sempre sì.. e a dire di no..

Ho provato a sentirmi forte.. a reggere il peso del mondo sulle spalle.
Ho imparato a non piangere.. a non sognare.. a sentire gli altri e mai me stessa.. ad ascoltare i loro pensieri e fregarmene dei miei..
Ho tentato di trovare una soluzione a tutto.. a tutti.. ho saputo fingere.. nascondere i miei sentimenti .. ho saputo combattere tante battaglie.. e perderne altrettante..
Ho camminato allo stesso passo della felicità .. e caduta nel baratro della tristezza .. ho imparato a vivere senza le persone più importanti della mia vita .. e conosciute altre che non sono riuscite a correre allo stesso ritmo ..o forse sono stata io a correre più di loro, a non voler essere raggiunta..
Ho sentito il cuore giorno dopo giorno indurirsi.. e tornare a sorridere.. e poi ripiombare nel buio più nero. ho imparato a non dare peso ai problemi degli altri.. e neanche ai miei.. ma ad esserci sempre se qualcuno ha bisogno di me..ho lottato contro la tristezza.. la voglia di non esserci.. contro il bisogno di sparire.. I wanted to leave and not return .. and hear instinct to stay ..
I tried to be 1000 things .. but never myself .. I was a billion ideas .. essences .. no longer know who I am .. what I want .. What I want to be .. and especially if I want to ..

... it's like when you lose .. and suddenly you do not know which way to go .. you do not know what is the right way .. one to follow .. and there you just follow your instincts .. goal to take a chance and see where it takes you .. and I have to do? how do you figure out the noise inside you? as fa ad ascoltare?