Friday, October 31, 2008

Black Cat Football Helmet


After the races at the last minute to find a place in one of the many buses, there are successful, and I went to manifest! A lot of people never seen so many people all at once ... and all for defending the public school from destruction!
say that we were one million ... data from the police ... but as even the police tend to "cut", let alone how many were actually!

Unions Tuscan school had announced that 15,000 would arrive in Rome for the day of action in defense of public education against the Gelmini decree and Brunetta, had arrived in Rome wrong to 25,000 with 236 buses, a Pisa by train, car self-organized and full load on regular trains with reserved seats for some time. Workers of the sole, Universities and Research, young students, mothers and fathers who willingly accompanied the minor children whose reservations were not accepted. The coach of the Tuscans have been fed Anagnina, will never arrive in Piazza del Popolo, and in the car during another event. Those who are reach Termini split between the main march and a second parade along Via Nazionale became necessary because the first could not contain all the participants .
"The mobilization of Rome today is further proof of what the schools do not accept the Gelmini decree, which carries out indiscriminate cuts without having a real idea of \u200b\u200breforming the school system. Final approval of yesterday was another blow to the Italian school and the mobilization of students, teachers and parents who have been shown to be part of a movement that holds mature all’istruzione e alla sua qualità, cose che Berlusconi e Tremonti intendono soprattutto tagliare”. >>

Io ho aderito al corteo degli universitari che si è diretto verso il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione... non c'era spazio per tutti... e allora la trovata geniale: "circondiamolo"!!!
-->>Il ministero dell'Istruzione è assediato, la marea dei ragazzi si espande e gira tutto intorno a quel brutto palazzo anni Venti. Arrivano e lo circondano, una trovata ma anche una necessità, tutti davanti all'ingresso di viale Trastevere non ci si sta e allora " Circondiamo Ministry "all singing in chorus, and the windows of the hospital," Nuovo Regina Margherita, nearby, are applause. There are still people in the Piazza Venezia, Piazza Exedra has just emptied, not the empty streets towards the square people who occupied the streets because there will not be walking.
the Magliana improvise a procession from outside and those who are unable to reach the center, the same fate for a hundred bus stops on the fitting . To give the numbers do not always make us feel good but the unions: one million protest against the school reform and government policies.
in Rome that was it. In the aftermath the go-ahead to the Senate dl Gelmini, and the protest in Piazza Navona interrupted by an attack by right wing extremists, the general strike called by the school FLC-CGIL, CISL school, UIL school, and Gilda Snals a tide gate in the square human oversized. The predetermined path it takes little to explode. the crowd is divided into several streams, roads planned conquest and more capacious. mobilization is impressive and brings together the many souls of this protest, unions and schools, and university professors, researchers, precarious.
And many women. In the square there are thousands, are the most affected by what will happen between the desks because they are teachers and mothers and if they say "our ragazzi" parlano con la stessa preoccupazione dei figli loro e di quelli acquisiti. Sono tante e sono arrabbiate, sfilano con i palloncini dei sindacati o gli striscioni fatti in casa, gli slogan contro la riforma ("Scuole razziste non ne vogliamo / lo diciamo piano / e in italiano") e quelli che sanno di vita quotidiana, "Ma non era meglio se pagavo l'Ici?" o "Addio al tempo pieno", il santino della Gelmini sulla giacca, la foto del ministro e la scritta "Beata ignoranza", e quelle che si portano i figli piccoli col cartello "Bambino strumentalizzato". Ci stanno loro in testa al corteo, con i leader sindacali di settore e nazionali e quelli del centrosinistra, da Veltroni e Fioroni, Mussi, Bindi, Ferrero, Di Pietro.

The square, even though the streets are children and young people. From every angle is a continuous flow that does not stop, come to detachments from Termini Station or the subway exits, there are banners with the names of the schools, they dance with the musical notes of the city of Banda Falerna, ranging from a zumpappero Brothers of Italy, Caparezza, Bob Marley and Radiohead and the like. Pass and people leaning out of windows and claps his hands, a woman has no better then waves a red jacket. The schools fill the square, are also from outside, "is Latin. Gelmini there is."
The Exedra is packed, the head of the event has come into the Piazza del Popolo when the procession of Wisdom emerges from Independence Square. At the head of the truck with music and a megaphone, the green smoke and cries, " Gelmini, now the protest today understand or go to the hairdresser? . Useless to try to follow the intended path, a section of at least one hundred thousand people come off and bestrides Via Cavour, gets to Piazza Venezia, the Altar of the Fatherland. "On 4 November we celebrate yet another tribute to the military, but instead of cutting the school would cut the so-called peacekeeping missions." Then to Trastevere, the ministry goal. " culture makes you fear / ignorance is your most . "" There's a whole country that begins "cries Epifani other side, from the stage in Piazza del Popolo, and a roar. The leader CGIL called it "a memorable day not only for school but for our democracy to the country's future, for our young people." They say "you will not regret staying with us, here is the majority of country that does not resign. "Invoke" a confrontation with the unions, families and local authorities "the secretary of the CISL, Raffaele Bonanni, because" a confrontation with the government there has never been. "And the leader of Uil, Luigi Angeletti, insists on "Avoid any exploitation."
Traffic in Rome is crazy but the boys had said, "If we block the future / we block the city." And so it was. I am 14 and past the front of the Ministry of Education there is still a large group of diehards. Someone pulls eggs at police but no one breaks down. Peaceful and fierce as they were there, they organize to leave. "Now to Ostiense and Piramide". The truck starts, the megaphone up again, Here comes again the slogans "No to fascist provocations. Their clubs are solid, but our wave is liquid. E, come l'acqua, nessuno la può fermare ".

(la Repubblica)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Targus Tripod Quick Release Camera Platform

Where will 'THIS LAW??

Il consiglio di amministrazione dell’ateneo fiorentino, dopo aver redatto un documento che ribadisce le pesanti conseguenze dell’applicazione della legge 133, ha deliberato il rinvio dell'assunzione di 46 ricercatori e di 1 professore associato, già prevista per il prossimo primo novembre in base a programmazioni precedenti, "in considerazione della mancanza di un quadro finanziario di riferimento certo - recita la delibera - fino all'accertamento della copertura finanziaria".
Il senato accademico e il consiglio di amministrazione dell'ateneo fiorentino, riunitisi il 24 ottobre in seduta congiunta, hanno approvato all'unanimità la seguente mozione:
"In considerazione dello stato di agitazione in atto nell'ateneo, legato alla applicazione della legge 133 del 2008, che, insieme ad altri recenti provvedimenti, comporta effetti pesantissimi sul sistema universitario, ribadiamo le gravissime preoccupazioni già espresse nei documenti in precedenza approvati, anche in considerazione del fatto che i suddetti provvedimenti rischiano di vanificare le azioni di razionalizzazione finanziaria e organizzativa impostata, e su cui da tempo è stata sollecitata l'attenzione Government and the Ministry. "
"We support the actions undertaken responsibly and debate between students and teachers, which together provide a space for discussion and teaching activities and research;
express the sharpest opposition to fans of police interventions, when absolutely not justified, stressing the need to open a serious discussion table for institutional reform to establish a University and widely endorsed. "
The document stresses the importance of the authoritative position of President of the Republic in favor of dialogue between institutions and social forces and states that the strong reduction in the provision of funding ordinary and the freezing of the drastic turn over cause the rapid depletion of the teaching, research and administrative services.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shark Invitation Sayings


I had promised not to write in qst blog content qlc concern in the way political ... but enough is enough ... after a series of discussions and exchanges with people who can not understand the point of view of the protesters are really annoyed me!
We are all aware of the demonstrations and protests of the university not to mention the primary, secondary and higher ... well ... we are all also aware of the reasons that have triggered a re-explain and I will not dwell ...
It seems appropriate to quote the words of the great Margherita Hack who gave a lesson in Piazza della Signoria in Florence in front of two thousand people ... It is of course from the students and teachers protesting ... and this lifts me up ... also be supported by an illustrious mind as she is not just!
"terrible This is an opportunity for our country. We are the false democracy, since the reform was made with a decree, which is not passed by Parliament and has not been discussed with those who work in schools or universities '. The Hack is hoped that the mobilization of many young ' open the eyes of those who still approves of this shameful government, of arrogant and ignorant . "Why has decreed" the death of university research and "in a country where" funding is already half the other European countries. " "We a good people of ignorance, we become a country in the process of underdevelopment .
do not need to say more ...
Indeed, one last thing about the claims of our "beloved" Prime Minister ... chilling words about the police in the universities to "flush out" the occupiers set and shamefully retracted the next day ... This is what our dear prime minister said thousands of students who are expressing their opposition to a law absurd and contestabilissima! CONGRATULATIONS!
But we are not afraid ... Indeed it seems that scared him ... come to threaten the intervention of the police ... ridiculous ... just to believe in his electorate of its desire to maintain some order that it was his government is not allowing that there is ... I repeat: RIDICULOUS! I shudder to hear these allegations ... but not all ... Cossiga you read what he said?? He let go and statements very troubling. He advised the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, a system to put an end to the protests of students who demonstrated against the reform Gelmini. The method of Cossiga also provides a broad public consensus.
The system is simple to implement: brutally beat demonstrators all! Of course, after obtaining the consent popular with devious methods. OK not!?

We carry part of the interview:

Cossiga: "Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior.
(---> Refers murder of "Georgiana Masi?" The girl who in 1977 showed the anniversary of the victory of the referendum on divorce and was probably killed by a stray bullet fired by police on the Tiber in Rome, and on which the Interior Minister Francesco Cossiga deny 'in Parliament that the police had fired, despite photos and unequivocal evidence .... <---)
First, let go of high school students, why do you think about what would happen if a child remained severely injured or killed ... "

Journalist:" The university, instead? "

Cossiga: "Let them do it. Police forces withdraw from the streets and universities, infiltrate the movement with provoking agents ready for anything, and leave it for ten days or so demonstrators devastate shops, set fire to the machines and put the city on fire. "
(---> What is portrayed in the photographs of the event where he was killed Giorgiana Masi? One with the striped shirt? "[Armed undercover police officer that fuels the insurgency and was identified by name] <---)

Journalist: "After that?"

Cossiga: "After that, the strong popular support, the sound of ambulance sirens must be higher than that of the Police and Carabinieri car."

Journalist: "In the sense that ..."

Cossiga: "In the sense that the police should not have pity and send them all to hospital. Do not stop, so that then the judges would call them now at liberty, but also those teachers beat them and beat them stir. "

Journalist: "Even teachers? "

Cossiga:" Especially the teachers. "

Journalist: "The President, his is a paradox, no?"

Cossiga: "I'm not saying the elderly, of course, but the teachers so girls. He realizes the seriousness of what's going on? There are teachers indoctrinating children and bring them to the streets: a criminal attitude "

Journalist:" And she is aware of what they would say in Europe after treatment of Gender? Fascism in Italy again, they would say. "

Cossiga: Bullshit, this is the recipe for democracy: turn off the flame before the fire were blazing. "

Journalist: "What fire?"

Cossiga: "I am not exaggerating, I really think that terrorism will return to the bloody streets of this country."

These words are chilling and speak for themselves.
Cossiga speaks of infiltration by agents provocateurs in the student movement for fargli commettere atti di pura violenza criminal-terroristica per poi poter accusare di tali misfatti gli studenti. Evidentemente lui è molto pratico di queste cose!
Se poi Berlusconi e Maroni volessero far proprie queste indicazioni, sappiano che non si tratta di un rigurgito di Fascismo, bensì di una “ricetta democratica” . A pensarci bene, infatti, in quale altro Paese veramente democratico non farebbero come ha proposto Cossiga!?