Breathing is a process "automatic", better known as accidental, but part of it is under the control of our will. should clearly distinguish the parties to understand "what", "how," "how," "when".
oxygen is no doubt respond, but not really. The body breathes
Nitrogen N 2 78.0 (% by volume)
Oxygen O 2 20.9 (% by volume)
Argon Ar 0.9 (% by volume)
Carbon Dioxide CO 2 0.00028 (% by volume)
Other compounds Ne, He, CH 4 , Kr, H 2 , Xe, O 3 , H 2 O NH3, NO 2, SO 2 , NO, H 2 S, CO ..., 0.2 (% by volume)
Come respiriamo
. La respirazione avviene in modo automatico e normalmente questo processo avviene al di fuori della nostra attenzione. Forse la respirazione è un atto così ricorrente nella quotidianità da sembrare quasi banale, tuttavia modesti cambiamenti nella respirazione sono in grado di scatenare considerevoli effetti sia fisiologici che psicologici nell'individuo.I polmoni in sé non hanno alcuna capacità di contrarsi o espandersi, ma si riempiono e si svuotano di aria grazie all'azione dei muscoli, primo fra tutti il diaframma. Esso si trova alla base della gabbia toracica e la separa dall'addome come se fosse il "pavimento" della zona polmonare: agendo grosso manner as the plunger of a syringe, the diaphragm, contracting and dropping down to the top, draws in and pushes out the air from the lungs themselves. Breathing is controlled by nerve centers and machines can be simultaneously operated by the nerve centers under the control of the will. Consider that the brain and heart, which constitute less than 3% of total body weight, consume over 30% of the oxygen used by the entire body.
In general, the rule of balance breathing physiological processes related to energy. In fact the main functions of the respiratory system are
obtain oxygen (O2) from the environment to give each cell in the body,
rimuovere dal corpo l'anidride carbonica (CO2) prodotta dal metabolismo cellulare.
Queste sostanze sono coinvolte nei processi di acquisizione e di utilizzo dell'energia. L'energia viene estratta dall'ossigeno e conservata in speciali molecole che possono essere considerate "la moneta dell'organismo", mentre l'anidride carbonica (CO2) è il prodotto delle combustioni implicate nelle attività vitali, e potrebbe essere considerata come il fumo prodotto in una qualsiasi combustione. Questi processi non solo hanno un notevole peso nelle attività corporee, ma sono coinvolti in numerosi processi psicologici, prime fra tutti le emozioni.
Infatti la respirazione è la funzione fisiologica che, is altered in a more evident during an intense emotion and / or when we are engaged in a task. It tends to become faster and "short" and some people tend to move in the chest high.
How breathe.
One of the most characteristic changes of respiration is chronic hyperventilation, which occurs when we breathe more air than required the activity metabolic this: there are people who, by carrying out mathematical calculations sit comfortably, breathe as if they were climbing the stairs !Hyperventilation is a phenomenon extremely present in anxiety disorders and in panic attacks, and because the breath is closely linked to emotional states and attitudes acquired, his rehabilitation is extremely useful to the side of psychological treatments or other general. Not only how we feel affects our breathing, but our breathing can change the way we feel. The breath can be controlled voluntarily, and regulating the breath we can regulate the functions of the autonomic nervous system. This system regulates the activity of the whole body and prepares responses to both the fight / flight in situations perceived as a threat physically or socially, as the recovery of psychophysical energies. It is the imbalance in the autonomic nervous system function that produces a good part of the symptoms related to stress.
The respiratory pattern can generate symptoms such as:
- vertigo and dizziness
- dissociation
- cold sweats, tingling, numbness
- muscle aches, tremors
- tachycardia, palpitations
- nausea and stomach cramps
- choking, wheezing and tightness
- nervousness, apprehension, irritability
These symptoms occur because nell'iperventilazione you eject a quantity of carbon dioxide than is necessary. The reduction of carbon dioxide in the blood causes a reduction of the caliber of the arteries, preventing normal blood flow in the body tissues, and the amount of oxygen that can be absorbed by the cells. Thus, the heart is required to fly more frequently to compensate for these changes. Since stress, style, and other emotional factors can temporarily or permanently impair breathing, conscious breathing and education for the most complete is the first step to restore balance and well-being: the mind and the breath and breathing are interdependent produces a regular serene mind. (In the next post will talk about meditation as part of the Power Qi)
I try to perform the exercises
breathing at any time of day is imported into the right mechanism.To begin, it is best to choose an appropriate place and time of day when you are sure not to be disturbed or interrupted.
Collocatevi in \u200b\u200ba comfortable position. Before starting the diaphragmatic breathing, look for a minute the regularity and speed della respirazione.
· Mettete una mano sullo stomaco e l'altra sul petto.
Respirare lentamente dal naso in maniera che la mano sullo stomaco salga lentamente mentre lo stomaco si muove. Non forzate lo stomaco in fuori lasciatelo salire dolcemente mentre inspira. Il petto deve rimanere rilassato e muoversi poco.·
Quindi espirate lentamente con la bocca, in maniera che la mano sullo stomaco scenda mentre lo stomaco si abbassa. In questo caso il petto deve essere rilassato e muoversi molto poco mentre espira. In questa situazione sentite le spalle e la nuca rilassarsi as the air leaves the body. Imagine that each breath would eliminate muscle tension, add a little time after each inhalation and exhalation after a very large, (4 times)
read over the article in the master Isidoro them on Pyrrha Qi Gong breathing