The man standing up is a compromise between verticalizzazi one and the need to hide his problems with every order.
The human body is a mecca body so sophisticated and reliable that can only be conceived starting from the simple and ingenious mechanical principles.
(Léopold Busquet, muscle chains vol. I, II, Marrapese, Rome)
The human body is a mecca body so sophisticated and reliable that can only be conceived starting from the simple and ingenious mechanical principles.
(Léopold Busquet, muscle chains vol. I, II, Marrapese, Rome)
Per postura si intende la posizione del corpo nello spazio e la relativa relazione tra i suoi segmenti corporei, è l'adattamento personalizzato di ogni individuo all'ambiente fisico, psichico ed emozionale, la posizione assunta dai segmenti corpor ei e dalle articolazion i sia in una situazione statica, sia dinamica.

Detto cosi, sembrerebbe che qualsiasi posizione assunta dal nostro corpo può essere definita postura . In effetti è absolutely true, but we try to establish the "why" some little Sture are " disharmony" with body system.
The human body is governed by laws precise, inspired by high minds of physics, mechanics and chemistry. Laws to which our or body is no exception, indeed it is perfectly regulated.
our every gesture, such as an rcepire, observe, react, involves the coordinated action of a neuro-muscular system, thanks in concentric contractions, eccentric or static enable us to counteract the force of gravity. For this p roposito the body responds to qu esta series of relational needs and survival, through an organization, that of muscle chains.

chains have the muscle rap circ uiti in continuity, management plan through which they propagate the organized forces of the body. Then the muscles no n should be considered as a separate iso late in our body, but related to and organized altri muscoli in manier a inseparabile.
Il corpo umano utilizza tutte le sue componenti per ottimizzare un gesto, un movimento o esprimere un emozione.
Per assicurarsi queste finalità di movimento, il corpo deve assicurasi una fonte di energia e gestirne la riserva in modo parsimonioso. Il corpo è una funzione di se stesso, il corpo è autopoietico .

Il termine autopoiesi è stato coniato nel 1972 d a Humberto M a turana a partire dalla parola greca auto , ovvero se stesso , e poiesis , ovverosia creazione . In pratica un sistema autopoietico è un sistema continuamente sé stesso ed al proprio interno si sostiene e si riproduce. Un sistema au topoietico può quindi essere rappresentato come una rete di processi di creazione, trasformazione e distruzione di componenti che, interagendo fra loro, sostengono e rigenerano in continuazione lo stesso sistema.
In light of the above, we can say that a body is defined as disturbed " in his posture," though one of its systems is not bal rio.

But the perfect equilibrium does not exist, and if so was it would create the immobility or death.
In practical terms, the balance is of primary importance in all its dimensions: the parietal, visceral, osmotic, hemodynamic, hormonal, neurological, and the solution adopted by our body must be economic .
In practical terms, the balance is of primary importance in all its dimensions: the parietal, visceral, osmotic, hemodynamic, hormonal, neurological, and the solution adopted by our body must be economic .
Hence it is clear that the body is regulated by:
· balance
· economy,
· comfort (no pain)
But in maintaining the balance and the economy, the body, is held to be za absence of pain, comfort self-organizing p er re patterns and / or fees.
order to live comfortably in the subjective to invent schemes of compensation that will highlight the relationship between "content-containing." Relationship between the physical and containing the contents of the gut, among which the physical and the psychological content .
Ongoing structural changes will have on physical, visceral, psychological measures to compensate, putting in re-balance the body system.

"I try to stay balanced in my room to raise my body, my personality. "
This hegemony of balance can be hidden to some level of respect for physical or mental of the law are not pain with the law of the fort. "A esto qu level agree to compensate, even if it calls into question the harmony of my eq uilibrio.
posturologist Who is?
Ovve ro who studies the system in his body balance and imbalance.
Everyone can deal with posture? The dent ista , an ophthalmologist, ENT, orthopedics, gastroenterologist, psychologist, osteopath, physiotherapist, fitness trainer, mom.
the light of the above, I believe I have created more confusion than anything else . In fact it is so I .
Non esiste il "posturologo" , in quanto tale, ma bensì è più opportuno parla re di un equipe , figure professionali e sanitarie che, specializzate nel loro setto re, possano coordinarsi per realizzare una sinergica forza atta ad identificare la base del problema che ha portato quel cambiamento alla postura, quella perturbazione che potrebbe essere in grado di determinare scompensi ed adattamenti molto gravi per la salute.
... le forme adottate dalle retrazioni muscolari sono strettamente personali. Possono dipendere by our genes, our physical activity, and professional sports, trauma, etc. ..
a posture can be disrupted by poor occlusion or temporomandibular joint by an inner ear problem, or a visual defect, but the list of cases does not end here, a flat foot problems the language or even scars tattoos and piercings, they can cause postural problems.
It is beginning to address the "posture" as the ratio of "containing and content." We can see how our body, in its organization is divided into units, " functional units "some deputies to the protection, others dedicated to the movement.

- functional unit cephalic = head and neck
- functional unit of the trunk = chest and abdomen
- functional unit on each side = upper limb and lower jaw
These units have the option of self-management to solve their problems, but are related to and in cooperation between them.
Each unit can be regarded as spheres that are in equilibrium with each other and constitute the "hard" of our body, and their points of the report are the "mobile" in the body, the Member of movement.

Pa rtendo these "functional units", we introduce the concept that full is the box that encloses the organs and door protection to them.
The bones respond to the function of static and protection, while the muscles are Members movement. A muscle is not made to work continuously and consistently.
In the position / standing posture of the body, particularly muscles, are urged to work continuously, this solicitation may present chronic spinal pain, significant fatigue and muscle atrophy to medium term.
cephalic level the line of gravity passes through the foramen magnum, distributing the weight with the 2 / 3 forward and 1 / 3 back. Hence the "imbalance" front man

Plantar level, the front line of gravity instep and here too we find a resulting imbalance "front.
What would happen if instead I had a perfect balance?
My body is so unstable that I could fall on all sides and center of balance would be too stressed, so there would be a "cheap".
imbalance is more secure because it is run forward from the eyes and feet are directed forward.
But are the muscles to hold us up? .. NO!
are the connective tissues, ie, sheaths, tendons, ligaments, capsule, tissue, fascia .. etc..
Rear The static chain consists of:
· posterior cervical ligament
· The dorsal aponeurosis
· The lumbar fascia and the square lumborum
· vertebral ligaments
· Below the knee, ankle and arch
The chain represents the static structure connettiva più importante del piano posteriore ed ha quindi un ruolo decisivo sul piano della stazione eretta. È importante intravedere come il corpo per potersi muovere abbia di bisogno di una struttura “pneumatica” , capace di dare sostegno al busto e nel contempo permettere il movimento.
Questa funzione è svolta dal diaframma.
Di diaframmi ne abbiamo tre in medicina osteopatica: il tentorio del cervelletto (un lembo di dura madre che separa il cervelletto dai lobi occipitali del cervello), il diaframma toracico e il diaframma pelvico (il cosiddetto pavimento pelvico).
Curiamoci solo del diaframma toracico.
Andrew Taylor Still, the father of osteopathy and a great knowledge of human anatomy, describing the thoracic diaphragm said: "Through my live and die by me. In the hands I have power of life and death, get to know me and Be calm. "
Still Surely the phrase is of absolute effect and a coupe and understand several concepts. The diaphragm is a fundamental part of our organization and, if there is unrestricted, allowing the body itself to be in good health.
should know that this muscle develops in infancy and that the diaphragmatic dome is formed by the migration of structures that depart from the cervical spine (C3-C5).
This close relationship between the cervical spine and diaphragm makes sense as a neck pain could be caused by blocked aperture (and vice versa). The diaphragm is of particular importance to the relations it contracts with major structures of the system neurov egetativo. Along the esophagus, in fact, pass by here too vague nerves: the vagus nerve is anterior to the esophagus and the left right and rear.
nerve These two components if they are part of the control system of the whole vegetative life, and then the irritation of one of two reflections may create disturbances. The relationship between pressor chest and abdomen are therefore essential for correct physiology. If these pressures are being affected even the respiratory mechanism is altered: in patients with a flaccid abdominal breathing is the mechanism to be "low", other subjects with hypertonia in which there is abdominal breathing high, apical.
Another is of great importance in terms of posture: it is seen quite often hyperextension of the lumbar higher in subjects with a breathing-type high: in the presence of a diaphragm, which tends to remain in a relatively alta (in espirazione) le
trazioni continue verso l’anteriorità trasmesse dai pilastri sugli attacchi lombari possono creare di conseguenza delle accentuazioni della curva lombare nella porzione alta.
Viceversa persone con diaframma basso (in inspirazione), per esempio in soggetti con una grossa ptosi addominale, si osserva una perdita delle curve fisiologiche associate ad una accentuazione della lordosi lombare bassa.
( Luca Franzon, osteopata)

· head
· The chest
· The basin
These three boxes protect and have a diaphragm, and are influenced by it. In fact, their pace because it allows the timing, but also the independence, that are able to move and react efforts.
The trunk flexion and extension of the chains depend on fees and particularly the chain drop (CDF) and the chain extension (CDE).