Monday, January 31, 2011

Hursthouse And Virtue Ethics

Cross Valley, a beautiful photo gallery of the Cross My

Who wants to can enjoy the beautiful photos taken by David. The advice is to look at them carefully because they are very beautiful and different from "usual" that I shot.

To view the slideshow, simply click on the picture below:



Sunday, January 30, 2011

Walkie Talkies With Baby Monitor

30.01.11 30.01.11 Photo Cross Vallone Vallone

io sono dietro dietro... Today I have to. For the first time I have to comment on the race from "hero" but I do not know where to start, are not used to it. Maybe I should ask people who are more familiar than me with personal stories, see Playbeppe ( \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>> his commentary on the race) ol'amico Valerio 's Athlon Runners or Omar Soxj or others but I'll try on my own. Already preparing the bag was difficult and it weighed as much for fear of forgetting something I have filled to capacity. The alarm then had to be at 7.00 to 6.00 but I was already awake with no hope of being able to sleep. Wow I'm feeling the race! At 8 o'clock we started with Francesco Cittiglio at a time of day with a cold, gray, and blurts out a few flakes here and there. I hope it rains. At the gates of Cittiglio cartels and civil protection point the way for the two large parking place to accommodate the cars of the athletes. The competition area is well organized and the circuit is really good to drive with a mixture of plain and incline on the whole lawn, does not fear competition from many others. I congratulate the organizers of ' Athletics Verbano for good logistic although you are almost in the middle of a valley. Collect the chips and wondering how to fix it, is the first time I use it, then I go to see the first battery that women and men over 60. Silvia Murgia (Athletics Casorate) after winning the first two races today leaves nothing to the opponent and went on to win with a time of 15'11''surpassing even the first man, Roberto Pezzini (Atl. Verbano) in 15'58 .'' The second battery, la più numerosa viene vinta da Pellizzoni Fabrizio (Canottieri Milano) con il tempo di 19’04’’. penultima salita Dopo aver fatto le foto a questi ultimi vado a consegnare la macchina fotografica ad un compagno di squadra, mi cambio e caspita! devo anche riscaldarmi… e chi ci pensava più. Mentre gironzolo a ritmo blando (praticamente ritmo gara) in attesa del via molti mi guardano con curiosità, è lui o non è lui? Ceeerrrto che è lui come direbbe qualcuno. Prima del via scambio quattro battute con Nando Casu dell’Athlon Runners e scommettiamo su chi arriverà ultimo tra noi due. Improvvisamente lo sparo del giudice, mi fermo un attimo incerto sul da farsi e finalmente mi riscuoto e faccio start the stopwatch and the other away in the slipstream. We are already at the first corner a lot and they all go like rockets. After a minute I turn to consider who is behind me rhyming, little stuff. Fabrizio Conconi is also 20 meters in front of me, but how did everybody go? 4:42 first km, I have around ten, because today you do three races, one for physical problems, one for being able to finish it and not checking people in front of me but who is behind it. According km after rising there is a little 'breathing, 4'41'', the third comes in and print a 4'56''and I say now burst and the fourth goes to 4'58''. Yet I feel I go regularly, perhaps the shape of the location makes a difference. Fifth km in 4'47''and my arrival timing marks 26'48''while the official time of 26'51''(I have some concerns about the distance of the signs where I took the time ...). Race in defense, trying not to overdo the few workouts and having so much trouble, but a positive effort that has given me feelings that I felt for some time. la prova che sono arrivato! Finally today among others. Do I have to thank everyone who cheered for me, it was a position that gave me the strength to never give up. I must say, I never had so much encouragement as it is today, thanks again. For the record the gara è stata vinta da Brambilla Marco (Atletica San Marco) in 19’28’’ dal quale son riuscito a non farmi doppiare e ho battuto anche Nando! Domani valuterò le condizioni dei miei tendini e spero di arrivare alla prossima gara sociale, la prima prova del Piede d’Oro a Varese. La classifica completa la trovate <<QUI>> .

Le foto dell’album si riferiscono quasi esclusivamente alle prime due gare, la terza è stata dedicata prevalentemente agli atleti del mio gruppo e comprende poche foto degli atleti di altre squadre:

Tante altre foto sul sito a cura di Arturo Barbieri.

A questo punto, alla prossima! Spero!!!


Funny Intiation Ideas

Per adesso l’album fotografico del cross disputatosi a Cittiglio. L’album si riferisce in prevalenza alle prime due gare. La terza l’ho corsa e chi ha scattato le foto si è dedicato esclusivamente agli atleti del gruppo Marathon Max. Per commento alla gara vi rimando a più tardi.

Tante altre foto, a cura di Arturo Barbieri, Short on photo section.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Onyx For A Shower Wall

Berlusconi resign!

5 and 6 February we say enough!
Your signature to change Italy

Mr Berlusconi, she has dishonored
Italy in the eyes of the world, no longer has the credibility to demand the Italians a commitment to change and his inability to govern is doing to the country only a step backwards.
So you must go on. Italy needs to look beyond, to finally address his problems: growth, employment, a fair tax, a school that works, a healthy democracy.
We must give young people a perspective of the future. With his inability to govern and the embarrassment of his personal interests you have become an obstacle to the rescue of Italy. For this president Berlusconi she should resign.
Italy we can do it, it has positive energy and resources. It's time to unite all those who want to change. Time to work together for a better future.

We look forward to Giorgione in the square!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Roast Beef Sub Calories

Asked about the right of access to the ER by immigrants

Here is the text of interpellation, which will be discussed during the City Council this evening.

Mr. Mayor of the City of Castelfranco Veneto

The undersigned Municipal Councillors,

Christmas spirit in which two relevant facts in the public have occupied the attention of local media and citizens castle: 1) The first is the emphasis made in the press conference by General Director of the Health Authority 8 Renato Mason, that 10.8% of those who went the emergency room is not in compliance with the documents and not pay the ticket, stating that this is "a big problem, especially for those in line for hours and maybe you see someone else passing me. Many foreigners to skip the filter of the doctor and go to the emergency room showing serious diseases, even if sometimes it is not. " 2) The second important fact is composed of the categorical pronouncements on the issue sollevata da Mason da parte del Sindaco di Castelfranco Luciano Dussin e del Presidente della Conferenza dei Sindaci delll’Ulss 8 Fiorenzo Berton, Sindaco di Nervesa, nonché Medico di base. L’On. Dussin ha chiamato in causa i medici ai quali ha chiesto di essere intransigenti, facendo passare solo chi ha veramente urgenza o rientra in determinate categorie. “A tutti gli altri – ha precisato Dussin – l’accesso va negato, Le prestazioni del Pronto soccorso dovrebbero essere date, in caso di persone senza tessera sanitaria, solo per infortuni molto gravi, a donne in gravidanza, minori, o per malattie infettive. Per tutto il resto le prestazioni non sono previste. Quindi i medici dovrebbero essere rispettosi della norma. Se one goes there to lend him an aspirin, you better stay away. If your doctor does not let pity, this spring alone, but if every time they receive something, you never will pull back. " In turn, Berton, President-Medical, said: "immediate deportation for immigrants who do not pay the ticket. Should be made a law requiring the immediate deportation for immigrants who do not pay the ticket within 40 days from the execution of the performance: in fact implement a real fraud against the state. Alternatively, one could propose a system of payment by installments: € 10 would be enough at a time. The important thing is they pay. "
For complete information on the question raised should be noted that there was a subsequent intervention of the Regional Social Services Sernagiotto, which, in the wake of pronouncements and Dussin Berton said to be pursued forms of recovery not paying the amounts owed by directly requesting the Member of origin.
The problem raised and pronouncements are of such significance that occurred more than justify the submission of questions to the Mayor and to seek, in order to clarify with objectivity and without any instrumentalization a real problem. What
affects the positions outlined above (and justifying itself to the question / us) is that the issue was discussed only in terms of purely economistic, ignoring completely the human dimension, ethics and health, as well as disregarding the liability, incumbent from a strictly administrative and policy not only on the General Director of the Health Authority, but also on the Mayors, who are the local health authority and regional health policy.
The questions that arise spontaneously and are repaid to the Mayor with this question / interpellation are:
1) Why did the Director General has raised a question so delicate and complex, at a press conference with reporters at the site and not institutionally competent, which is the Conference of Mayors and its Executive?
2) Why is the CEO merely claim that "you skipped the filter of the doctor," clearly to be responsible only for immigrants of non-use of practitioners, and did not address the question of how well they can or should be involved, perhaps through extended opening hours of surgeries, the associated forms that best suit these needs? Su this aspect of the problem must be considered that the current economic and cultural contingency is very difficult for those who are committed to defend his often precarious condition of the worker may request and obtain permission to visit a doctor during work. It follows that most of the time after returning from work, doctor's offices being closed, the only option is to go to the emergency room. Compared to this, the Director General considers that compete to organize different forms of work by the doctors?
3) Because, while addressing the problem in terms of costs alone, there is attention to the "crime" (as it actually is) the failure to pay the ticket and shall not be considered instead (or also) the huge cost that citizens ULSS 8 are forced to support, in terms of reduced health benefits and to pay the costs of the project financing? Why, for example, we citizens must reimburse the cost of private construction and commissioning of the Hospital of Castelfranco of a building with two floors and a center equipped kitchen to prepare food for all public and private facilities in the province, while currently only produces meals for hospital patients? What comparison is there between economic losses of revenue of the ticket in First Aid and due consideration to individuals who have made the building works in the hospital, including the building with the cooking center?
4) Has the Mayor aware that his statements above constitute not only an undue and unlawful invasion of the field on a matter pertaining to the technical responsibility, professional ethics and the doctor, on which he is not competent, but also constitute incitement to violate the law, to enforce the constitutional principle of everyone's right to health, as an inviolable right of the person?
5) Has the Mayor aware that his statements of fact weaken la credibilità e l’autorevolezza dei medici e degli altri operatori sanitari del Pronto soccorso, che vivono in condizioni assai delicate e stressanti, sia per i turni di 24 ore su 7 giorni, sia per l’imprevedibilità che continuamente può presentarsi, sia per la varietà infinita di situazioni da affrontare, sia per la conflittualità con i pazienti, con i colleghi in ospedale e con i medici di base, con tutti i rischi legali che ne possono derivare (comprese le possibili conseguenze disciplinari dell’Ordine dei medici, tra cui anche la radiazione, in alcuni casi gravi)?
6) Hanno consapevolezza il Sindaco, il Presidente della Conferenza dei Sindaci ed il Direttore Generale che ben There are several technical issues, and professional ethics, referring to the role of doctors and health professionals in the Emergency Room, to the problem of recovery of the amounts that patients have to pay, which is entirely and solely of an administrative nature, unrelated then the role of doctors?
7) E 'is also evident that the Mayor, for the reasons set out above relating to the conduct of the health function, any person presenting to the emergency room can be prejudicially denied? What must be visited first, so that the problem is identified good health and is therefore subject to the necessary raw treatment? That if the case is not urgent and the patient, chiunque esso sia, non è in pericolo e non costituisce pericolo per sé e per gli altri, viene inviato al proprio medico curante? Che pertanto, se l’accesso è improprio e o se il paziente non paga quanto dovuto dalle norme in vigore, è compito dell’Amministrazione dell’Ulss provvedervi, non certo del personale sanitario?
Su tutti gli interrogativi e le questioni, poste nei precedenti punti, i sottoscritti Consiglieri Comunali formalmente interpellano il Sindaco, affinché dia tempestiva ed approfondita risposta in Consiglio Comunale, ai sensi del vigente Regolamento del Consiglio Comunale.
Infine, i sottoscritti Consiglieri Comunali, nel formulare this interpellation, can not understand the blatant contradiction and abyssal cultural gap between the views expressed here by those here mentioned, which have political and administrative responsibilities in the field of health in our area, and some politicians that the same issues have played in the past great responsibilities, such as Domenico Sartore and Tina Anselmi.
The first, with the ambitious dream of creating a campus that can attract the best doctors in Castelfranco and the other, with the completion and submission of health care reform law, endorsed by Parliament, which has specific date and full implementation the principle contained in art. 32 of the Constitution: "The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and collective interest, and guarantees free medical care to the indigent."

Castelfranco Veneto, January 11, 2011.

Sebastian Sartoretto
Joseph Vincenti
Michele Schneebeli
Donald Sartor
Elena Magog

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Alpha Kappa Alpha Fall Probate

many athletes of the Province of Varese Cross Paderno? Cross

correre I asked, but how many athletes in our province to Paderno Dugnano were present Sunday for the cross? I started to comb through the ranks and so I put together a bit 'of numbers.

The total number of athletes who have completed all three races were 500. The athletes in our province finishers were instead 124. The company that ever did it was to master the giallonera Athletics Casorate with as many as 47 athletes . Follows at a safe distance with 18 players il Runners Valbossa seguito dall’ Atletica Verbano con 13 atleti . Via via gli altri. Una cosa tra le società mi è balzata all’occhio e cioè che uno squadrone come l’Atletica San Marco abbia avuto al via solo 6 atleti. Mi è parsa una cosa strana al contrario dell’entusiasmo manifestato dagli atleti di Casorate. Domenica 30 si replica, si gioca in casa, vedremo se i numeri lieviteranno. Chi volesse dare un’occhiata alla tabella può farlo cliccando <<QUI>>.

Buone corse a tutti,


Retirment Cake Recipe

E 'thief who also holds the bag? Event

Laura Viola

There were stealing also taught that those who hold the bag? I remember my mother's face, I had to lift his head to see it, I was a kid, I kept saying that not only breaks the flowers of the nearby had an act "really bad", but also those who make the pole to see if comes the closest, and those who ride behind the hedge, look and leave it and then silent.
And who knows and pretends nothing.
Well this lesson, we certainly had them all. So what?

[follow the link to read the full article]

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is There A Fever With Pancreatitis

16:01:11 Paderno Dugnano runner

IMG_3792 was held today at the 2nd Dugnano Paderno Paderno Dugnano Cross City, organized by the sports club Euroatletica 2002. The race was as good as the regional championship. Good turnout of runners in a slightly foggy day. The route is completely flat except for two short incline was very fast and compact with evocative passages between pine trees. At 9.30 am the first race, which includes all categories of women and those over 60. For men, the absolute dominion of the bearer of Cernuschese Aurelio Moscato which covers approximately 4 km in 14'14'', while for women to penetrate is the bearer Athletics Casorate Murgia Silvia in 14'35''which thus confirms the longer form of the time repeating the victory in the prestigious Campaccio a few days ago. In the second race over a distance of about 6km to dominate is a strong athlete of San Marco Marco Brambilla , 21'51''time, which the author of an authoritative performance winner goes to conclude from a solitary race from start to conduct end. The third race, the one reserved for classes TM, 35, 50, 55 was by far the battle where Davide Chicco GS Bernatese (21'17'') had to work hard to get the better of the second Fiorelli Matthew CSI Morbegno (21'20''). Good evidence of the many other athletes in the province of Varese flocked to the event. Complete rankings can be viewed \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>>.
only photos for me today:


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Much Sugar In Extra Strong Mints

What are they?

podismo2 In recent days I'm delighting in some timid exit right for understand if my tendons jump or if they can take up to cross the valley. I wish I could run at least a race this year and I hope to succeed. At first my Achilles tendons (you can tell?) Held since the speed is very low right now but I realize after some output to go faster to load already well worn by now most of my joints. We'll see. To take pictures and videos are always on time, if the inflammation suddenly reappear, as it usually does. Two meters before anything, just two meters after the go ... But that's not what I wanted to talk. I realized that my jogging clothes is outdated, even the company, and this evening I was dressed up with a lot of different colors. I'm so focused to think of those runners who often go and see where I noticed something "weird" without ever thinking about it seriously. So I'm going to list what my memory is proposed. The runner that makes me mad is the one that runs with K Way Rain. I can imagine all wet with clothes soaked as ever, and what then, lose some 'liquid which is quickly recovered with the first drink? Then there is the one that runs with the shirt of the team, maybe you bought at the stalls outside the stadium who do not leave even breathe the sweat to pay. They are usually players who delight in playing some night and try in this way to get into shape, even if their when our pace is almost recovered after repeated ... Then there is the basketball player who goes to cotton T-shirt long pants on a monster basketball matches. Sometimes the match as long tube socks in cotton use in matches, not to mention the bands sweatband. Who makes me mad is then the cyclist who is training in the winter along the streets wearing the shirt with a lot of social pockets on the back and thousands of sponsors in Bellavista. Then there are those who now closer to 50 than to 40, which discovered the desire to do a little 'T-shirts and tank tops to show off motorcycle thrill remains of a past youth members that attach where there was once il ventre piatto e che ora sembra una gonfia zampogna. Per non parlare dei pantaloncini che a volte tirano sulle cosce rischiando di strapparsi. Chi è alle prime armi va di certo perdonato, ma la ricerca di consigli prima di cominciare di certo non guasterebbe,  se non altro per il semplice pudore verso gli altri che ti vedono correre. Chiudo, e di certo avrò tralasciato tante situazioni bizzarre, con un episodio che mi è capitato di vedere in valle Olona a settembre. All’ingresso della ciclabile ho visto una coppia di fidanzati che si apprestavano a cominciare la loro corsetta. Peccato che entrambi appena entrati sullo sterrato abbiano messo gli auricolari di qualche lettore mp3 sulle proprie orecchie. Io dico se si va a correre in compagnia e Then there is island music might as well run alone. Where is it going to end the dialogue? The beauty of running in the company is just that time passes faster when you chat. Good racing to all dress up and ... well you look!