Who wants to can enjoy the beautiful photos taken by David. The advice is to look at them carefully because they are very beautiful and different from "usual" that I shot.
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Who wants to can enjoy the beautiful photos taken by David. The advice is to look at them carefully because they are very beautiful and different from "usual" that I shot.
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Today I have to. For the first time I have to comment on the race from "hero" but I do not know where to start, are not used to it. Maybe I should ask people who are more familiar than me with personal stories, see Playbeppe ( \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>> his commentary on the race) ol'amico Valerio 's Athlon Runners or Omar Soxj or others but I'll try on my own. Already preparing the bag was difficult and it weighed as much for fear of forgetting something I have filled to capacity. The alarm then had to be at 7.00 to 6.00 but I was already awake with no hope of being able to sleep. Wow I'm feeling the race! At 8 o'clock we started with Francesco Cittiglio at a time of day with a cold, gray, and blurts out a few flakes here and there. I hope it rains. At the gates of Cittiglio cartels and civil protection point the way for the two large parking place to accommodate the cars of the athletes. The competition area is well organized and the circuit is really good to drive with a mixture of plain and incline on the whole lawn, does not fear competition from many others. I congratulate the organizers of ' Athletics Verbano for good logistic although you are almost in the middle of a valley. Collect the chips and wondering how to fix it, is the first time I use it, then I go to see the first battery that women and men over 60. Silvia Murgia (Athletics Casorate) after winning the first two races today leaves nothing to the opponent and went on to win with a time of 15'11''surpassing even the first man, Roberto Pezzini (Atl. Verbano) in 15'58 .'' The second battery, la più numerosa viene vinta da Pellizzoni Fabrizio (Canottieri Milano) con il tempo di 19’04’’.
Dopo aver fatto le foto a questi ultimi vado a consegnare la macchina fotografica ad un compagno di squadra, mi cambio e caspita! devo anche riscaldarmi… e chi ci pensava più. Mentre gironzolo a ritmo blando (praticamente ritmo gara) in attesa del via molti mi guardano con curiosità, è lui o non è lui? Ceeerrrto che è lui come direbbe qualcuno. Prima del via scambio quattro battute con Nando Casu dell’Athlon Runners e scommettiamo su chi arriverà ultimo tra noi due. Improvvisamente lo sparo del giudice, mi fermo un attimo incerto sul da farsi e finalmente mi riscuoto e faccio start the stopwatch and the other away in the slipstream. We are already at the first corner a lot and they all go like rockets. After a minute I turn to consider who is behind me rhyming, little stuff. Fabrizio Conconi is also 20 meters in front of me, but how did everybody go? 4:42 first km, I have around ten, because today you do three races, one for physical problems, one for being able to finish it and not checking people in front of me but who is behind it. According km after rising there is a little 'breathing, 4'41'', the third comes in and print a 4'56''and I say now burst and the fourth goes to 4'58''. Yet I feel I go regularly, perhaps the shape of the location makes a difference. Fifth km in 4'47''and my arrival timing marks 26'48''while the official time of 26'51''(I have some concerns about the distance of the signs where I took the time ...). Race in defense, trying not to overdo the few workouts and having so much trouble, but a positive effort that has given me feelings that I felt for some time.
Finally today among others. Do I have to thank everyone who cheered for me, it was a position that gave me the strength to never give up. I must say, I never had so much encouragement as it is today, thanks again. For the record the gara è stata vinta da Brambilla Marco (Atletica San Marco) in 19’28’’ dal quale son riuscito a non farmi doppiare e ho battuto anche Nando! Domani valuterò le condizioni dei miei tendini e spero di arrivare alla prossima gara sociale, la prima prova del Piede d’Oro a Varese. La classifica completa la trovate <<QUI>> .
Le foto dell’album si riferiscono quasi esclusivamente alle prime due gare, la terza è stata dedicata prevalentemente agli atleti del mio gruppo e comprende poche foto degli atleti di altre squadre:
Tante altre foto sul sito Podisti.net a cura di Arturo Barbieri.
A questo punto, alla prossima! Spero!!!
Per adesso l’album fotografico del cross disputatosi a Cittiglio. L’album si riferisce in prevalenza alle prime due gare. La terza l’ho corsa e chi ha scattato le foto si è dedicato esclusivamente agli atleti del gruppo Marathon Max. Per commento alla gara vi rimando a più tardi.
Tante altre foto, a cura di Arturo Barbieri, Short on Podisti.net photo section.
I asked, but how many athletes in our province to Paderno Dugnano were present Sunday for the cross? I started to comb through the ranks and so I put together a bit 'of numbers.
The total number of athletes who have completed all three races were 500. The athletes in our province finishers were instead 124. The company that ever did it was to master the giallonera Athletics Casorate with as many as 47 athletes . Follows at a safe distance with 18 players il Runners Valbossa seguito dall’ Atletica Verbano con 13 atleti . Via via gli altri. Una cosa tra le società mi è balzata all’occhio e cioè che uno squadrone come l’Atletica San Marco abbia avuto al via solo 6 atleti. Mi è parsa una cosa strana al contrario dell’entusiasmo manifestato dagli atleti di Casorate. Domenica 30 si replica, si gioca in casa, vedremo se i numeri lieviteranno. Chi volesse dare un’occhiata alla tabella può farlo cliccando <<QUI>>.
Buone corse a tutti,