Sunday, April 20, 2008

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One of my passions (besides Antonacci course) is undoubtedly the sauce!
I turn to this world two years ago and, despite having attended for only a few months, the dance school, she entered the sauce in the heart and not just feel like a Cuban rhythm I can not resist ... dance, dance, dance! Too bad that scarce the dancers!
Anyway anywhere in the world to be appointed this word, everyone will know what you're talking about. A hot and spicy pace, which forces you moving and swaying her legs. Salsa is actually an umbrella term that includes several Caribbean and Cuban rhythms like Son, Cha-Cha-Cha or Merengue. It is more a feeling a specific rhythm or musical expression. La Salsa is not always fast and intense, but can also be slow, romantic or a mix of both types of rhythm.

There are various schools, styles and techniques, but the main ones are the Cuban salsa and Puerto Rican salsa , which in turn can be divided in other subdivisions.
While there are predefined sequences of movements, called choreography or figures, the concatenation of these to each other is based on improvisation, so is the imagination of the dancers build the various dance steps throughout the 'arc of the piece.
In the countries of origin, the dance of salsa has always been part of culture and ' collective identity so deeply entrenched. The version that was exported in the Western world, for the use of dance schools, clubs, dance halls of
, is often "cleaned" and packaged in the style of salsa from the show, as opposed to the sauce instead of the road, or that of its Caribbean countries. In
sauce road, in fact we find a way to dance-related extemporaneous improvisation, sometimes little choreography, and based mainly on body movements performed in perfect harmony with your partner.
The sauce from the show, however, is more figurative and built, it gives greater prominence to the style of movements in space and in time, "canonical" rhythm, there are numerous choreography and step sequences coded and scanned as personal baggage of the dancers , and sometimes, it does so at the expense of "spontaneity" instinctive feeling 'own' the rhythm and the musical vibrations. In any event, there are pros and cons in both styles.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Southern Slang Misses

What is friendship?

Wandering the Internet I found sth that I share with you ...
For me it is a period a little strange ... strange thoughts ... strange situations ... qst post and falling just as they say, a Bean!

What is friendship?

"What is friendship?
What binds two friends among them?
When true friendship and not mere knowledge?
What is friendship with a capital?
How to find true friendship? [...]

Let 's see.

Wikipedia defines friendship as "a feeling of mutual affection and live between two or more persons of the same or different sex, but also between humans and beings from the animal world. He is considered one of the most important emotional states, after the universal love at the basis of social life, as a source of cooperation to the common welfare, support and sharing important moments. "
the dictionary I found the following definition:" the affectionate bond between two or more people, born from the habit of feeling and affinity, having a balance of mutual respect and consideration. "
For Cicero's friendship" is not is nothing more than a perfect agreement on all things human and divine, accompanied by kindness and love. "
Let's find elsewhere.

Friendship is:
1) Sharing secrets and abetting
2) affinity for nature and shared inspirations
3) Go all the unforgettable moments
4) Sharing a toy
5) Trust and mutual understanding
6) Relax and let go
7) Being able to always rely on the
8) A smile at the right time
9) Speaking the same language
10) Capirsi with a glance "

Yes ... expressed in this post a few words what I think ... but perhaps what I think is simply referring to an idealized concept of friendship, not real ... it will be the case, will be what happens in life everyday, but I really have never met the true friendship ... until a few days ago I was convinced that there was not ... but now I'm more confident going forward ... I hope what I just wrote it proves wrong .. . I hope che torni tutto come prima!!! (...a buon intenditore poche parole...)

How Long Does Water Retention Last

about "I Care" ...

Approfitto dell'occasione di parlare di quell'inaspettato quanto sorprendente seminario per esternare dei pensieri che mi stanno assillando da alcuni giorni...

Sinceramente non ero poi tanto entusiasta di rimanere ad un seminario di informatica... pensavo fosse una di quelle solite lezioni in cui qualcuno parla di qualcosa che nemmeno ti interessa... e all'inizio sembrava così...

La Prof.ssa Berlingeri parlava di Diritto d'Autore, Copyright, bla bla bla, bande di criminali e su e giù... Ma poi qualcuno interrompe e lì inizia il bello... Io all'inizio sono rimasta a bocca aperta, interdetta... Mi chiedevo "ma sarà organizzato?" Ripensando poi al prof. ho capito tutto... "ma certo! E' stato lui!!" ci ha incastrati facendoci pensare che fosse una cosa noiosissima e inv ece... Una banda di clown, studenti di medicina e non, che si impegnano per portare un sorriso a chi purtroppo non ha più voglia di sorridere, che si impegnano a portare VITA a chi non ha più voglia di vivere!!! Ragazzi da ammirare, portatori e rappresentanti di quel principio "I Care"! Farsi carico dei problemi degli altri per provare a risolverli... Mostrare SOLIDARIETA' nei confronti di chi ne ha bisogno... Ma cosa più ammirevole, cercare di far star bene e far ridere persone che non stanno affatto bene!!!

A vedere loro e a sentirli parlare mi è venuta voglia di fare qualcosa di più, perchè quello che si fa non è mai abbastanza! Mi è venuta voglia di mettere in atto quell'"I Care" cercando sempre di capire quello che possa significare nelle varie situazioni e nei vari contesti (...ecco che torna il valore del contesto!...)

Ma poi mi guardo intorno e mi chiedo: "ma l'avranno capito tutti cosa significhi "I Care"?" non penso... sentir affermare da qualcuno: " Sarà che vengo per Careggi a fare il buffone? La medicina deve essre una cosa seria, non una buffonata!" mi ha fatto drop your arms! Then I notice the attitudes of superiority and wonder, "How can a future doctor relating to a patient in this way?" At this point it seems appropriate to quote a joke prof. : CHILDREN, down from the pedestal WHY 'MORE' IS MORE ROOMS 'TO BECOME CHILDREN!

E 'groped all need to put in the best possible way of dealing with a patient or any other person and whether to bring a smile to bring joy you must dress like a clown and make "fools" so be it, I'll be the first to do so and I'm not ashamed!

"Questa terapia offre conforto umano, amicizia e un sorriso per migliorare la qualità della vita del paziente. La tendenza, attenta soprattutto ai piccoli pazienti, non intende sostituirsi alle cure ospedaliere ma trae vantaggio dai benefici del sorriso sull'organismo. Infatti è un esercizio muscolare e respiratorio, che distende e permette un fenomeno di purificazione e liberazione delle vie respiratorie superiori. L’aumento degli scambi polmonari tende ad abbassare il tasso di colesterolo nel sangue, promuovendo un effetto benefico. Si può quindi affermare che il riso ha un ruolo di prevenzione dell’arteriosclerosi. Ridere combatte la stitichezza perché provoca una tale ginnastica addominale che massaggia in profondità l’apparato digester. Combats physical and mental weakness: his actions would cause a reduction of the harmful effects of stress. Calm the pain because it distracts attention from it. Laughter helps to give the joy of life and therefore has antidepressant properties. Decreases insomnia because it decreases the internal stresses. It 's the best way to live better and healthier as long as possible, defying the frustrations of life. "

short laugh is seriously detrimental to the disease.

conclude complimanti doing my kids "clown" and giving him all my respect and admiration!

Well done guys, keep doing the "fools" if this serves to give life!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

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Unforgettable ...

(dedicated to G.)

Sometimes I wonder if I'd live

the same without you,

If you know


But a moment passes and you are,

You are everything I want

Unforgettable now!

Sembrava un'altra storia che,

Il tempo porta via con se,

Tu non lasciarmi mai!

Tu non lasciarmi!

E più mi manchi, più tu stai

Al centro dei pensieri miei

Tu non lasciarmi mai

Perché oramai sarai


Con la tua voce, l'allegria

What I do not go away within

As a tattoo on the skin.

I see in her eyes,

I look for when you're

On my lips I feel the urge

What have you

So deeply my

I've never had anything I

You never let me

You do not leave

And more I look at you and you know most of you

I M'innamoro

You never let me

You do not leave me,

Never do this because

When I see the sky

I feel that you

Unforgettable now oh no!

You never let me

You do not leave


you're in my breathing and my days

You never let me

And you big inside me

This need I have of you

You never let me

You do not leave

You do not leave

You do not leave

Oh no

And I miss you more and more you are at the center

of my thoughts

You never let me

You never let me

You do not leave

Alone without you

Now and forever

stay inside My eyes


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MATH ... love it!

Mathematics has always been my passion so much so that, if I had not entered medicine, I would definitely recognized in spite of all mathematics, and I mean everyone, I do not recommend since it is a hard right and that, in their view, leads to few job opportunities. I, however, have an opinion diametrically opposed: a mind able to think in mathematical terms is able to do almost anything and adapt to different situations!
I must say that although the mathematics is essential, is not made in the best way by the vast majority of teachers ... I speak from personal experience ... leaving aside the fact that I, in 13 years of study, I changed as many as 8 Teachers of Mathematics (continuity zero), almost no one has been able to involve much in the lessons ... oh no ... almost all those flat-spotted formulette the board without explanation required to learn them all in mind to apply them in solving URGENT ... problems: the right word ... problem was figuring out how to apply those formulette or which of those formulette ... the same problem would apply to decide whether to put salt or sugar if you do not know whether to make a cake or a pie!
"... it is impossible to increase the motivation to mathematics if the math does not have value, appeal to the mind or in the living space of a pupil and the pupil if the relationship with the math teacher is very bad. In this case, a goal of mathematics education is to emerge within the field experience of the pupil, the desirability of mathematics. Only at this point comes the pleasure of solving math. "(quote from an article by Mario Polito,
Learning and teaching the theory of Gestalt )

No ... I have never settled for those lessons, and although has always respected my teachers (because all teachers must be respected), I have never estimated until the end ... I must draw out of this speech are two of my saviors: the teacher Josephine B. (The first three years of primary school), which I opened our eyes to mathematics (and others) and has made me first love, and Professor. William I. (V high school) who, after years of teaching disastrous and a hostile attitude towards mathematics has made me rediscover the love of it! Indeed, it was the spring that he would take me to join the faculty: the desire to achieve a degree of culture such as his, not inconsiderable, the desire to solve any question, the ability to search different ways to work around a difficult calculation ... All things that, on reflection, are given below in everyday life: to quench thirst for knowledge if it is always conscious of never being able to achieve a degree of infinite wisdom, but in spite of this attempt, the Romantics tended to infinity with a constant Streben , a perennial tend toward something that goes beyond limits of the finite.
The proof of the fact that I have not satisfied the simple school lessons is that of Mathematics I've never had a single book .... What I have recommended and just what I bought? NO. Absolutely not! Just think that for the last year of high school math book I was 5 more ... mica peanuts! But this is me ... I can not hide the fact that many of my friends do not put your hands or your hands if you put them in your hair as soon as they set a task ... terror ... terror ... absolutely afraid to take a votaccio ... but I think that for a math concern should never be a vote ... is perhaps the only area in which the numerical rating with numbers has nothing to do ... it will be even harder to resolve those pages of exercises but the anxiety to solve all want them at all costs, no!

From the above it is easy to see that I have always been a weakness for math ... are not always able to solve problems, exercise, the equations, but the important thing for me was to try and not to surrender in time of trouble ... the important was able to set up an argument made ... how do you say to a race or a competition: the important thing is not to win, is to participate ...

No. words: 698
the Prof ... I know I'm a bit 'too much ... but I did not ask to speak to in Mathematics 200 words ... For me, I love Math, 698 are too few ... I would have had to say ... Anyway even if they are really too much to me let us know, will try to write a post soon and thicken it all in a nutshell!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

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PubMed (task 3)

I state that I have just started to Spippola with PubMed and yet there I gained confidence, but after doing some research, some have proved to be productive ... The search to which I have devoted more time was that relating to ' HIV ... in the first instance, typing in Search PubMed for HIV, I have appeared 183,128 results ... a bit 'too much, no? So I limited the search by placing Limits namely: Published in the last 180 days & Human .... 2443 results ... too many! Then I browsed the latest articles published in the last 30 days ... 18 items ... now number more acceptable! Logically, I read them all, but I focused on some of which Cancer vaccines: an overview but did not say anything specific HIV ... So I searched the Related Links and I have been busy ... Given my interest in this topic, I read a lot 'of items and I think the most interesting are these:

1 - A review of vaccine research and development: the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
2 - An HIV vaccine: how and when?
3 - Designing an effective AIDS vaccine : Strategies and current status

This is a little more recent than the others (2008 Feb 5) and I think it's interesting because it explains the latest on vaccines and future projects in this field! For

QNT regards the utility of PubMed, I think it is an excellent source of medical texts and a doctor (or future doctor) is a great way to keep up to date and to exchange scientific accessing the work of their colleagues.

No. words: 258
... I have breached some with the words ... but removing those links are 227 ...
too many? but no ... via ... some flexibility!