derives from the English words "Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation" which in Italian means "Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (FNP). This method was developed by Herman Kabat American neurophysiologist at the end of the '40s as neuromuscular re-education.
Proprioception includes signals that have their origin sesnoriali including the receptors in muscles, tendons, ligaments and joint capsules (proprioceptors). It should be noted that recently the neurology has shown that human proprioception dominates the vestibular system (balance organ formed from the inner ear), in contrast to what happens in other mammals. From this we can infer the importance of proprioceptive techniques.
The stretching in this system of stretching is isometric eccentric and is divided into four phases:
1. It reaches its maximum elongation of the muscle or muscle group of the best, so gradual and slow.
You run an isometric contraction of the muscle group for about 15-20 seconds (ie maintaining the position of maximum elongation). This allows, through the activation of muscle-tendon Golgi organs (spinal reflex myotatic inverse), following a further relaxation, and then stretch the muscle group involved.
3. Relax for about 5 seconds.
4. It stretches the muscle again (previous contract) for at least 30 seconds.
The PNF stretching is widely used in rehabilitation therapy (re-education), but adds, significantly improving the effectiveness, including stretching exercises Classic (District) and global focus.
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