Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Have A Mole That Hurts My Mole Hurts?

Pilates? ...

Pilates? ... Ah ... the man in his underwear!

he has

so sorry if I start this article, but if you go to look for images on the internet or books, are often portrayed in his image "mutant."
potete notare sia prima che dopo, amava esporsi in"MUTANDE".
Scherzi a parte, che non se la prenda nessuno, spesso mi domandano che cosa sia " sto Pilates

Nasce nel 1880 a Dussendorf, in Germania, (muore nel 1967) e dedico la propria esistenza allo studio dell'educazione fisica (un pò come me). Ideatore del " METODO
". Suo padre era un ginnasta di origini greche vincitore di premi e sua madre una naturopata di origini tedesche. Originariamente il suo nome veniva pronunciato seguendo la derivazione greca di "Pilatu" ma poi venne cambiato in "Pilates". Questo causò a Joseph bambino molta pena perché i bambini più large mock him calling him "Pontius Pilate".

Joseph as a young was a sickly child suffering from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever. To overcome both the effects of this ill health is the other children mocked him, he studied bodybuilding, diving, skiing and other techniques of gymnastics and developed a series of exercises. Yet he wanted to play sports to be physically active.

The Pilates Method (sometimes simply Pilates) is a training system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. Pilates wrote at least two books on the method Pilates: Return to Life through Contrology and Your Health: A Corrective System of Exercising That Revolutionizes the Entire Field of Physical Education.

Pilates called his method Contrology, with reference to the way the method encourages the use of the mind to control muscles. It is a program of exercises that focus on postural muscles, ie, those muscles that help keep the body balanced and are essential to providing support to the spine. In particular, Pilates exercises are becoming aware of breath and alignment of the spine by strengthening the muscles of the deep floor of the trunk, very important to help alleviate and prevent back pain. With this method of training not only strengthens the abdominal muscles but also strengthen the muscles near the spine and deeper around the pelvis. The core of the method is toning and strengthening of the Power House, that all the muscles connected to the body: the abdomen, buttocks, adductors and the lower back. The exercises are performed on the pad (Pilates Mat Work) should be slow, fluid and perfectly executed, must also be combined with proper breathing.

The Pilates method has no trademark registration for which every physical education teacher can bring the motor to his style and his personality, but you have to redo the basic principles of Pilates are six

  • Breathing always well controlled and guided by the aid of the teacher as in the practice of Yoga (specifically in the Pilates exercise and breathe in the beginning when the effort more you breathe out, unlike yoga, breathing in the nose and exhaling with both the nose and mouth of each year has its principal rhythm) (as in Power Qi) ;
  • the center of gravity, a synonym of Power House, seen as a center of force and control of the whole body (as in Power Qi) ;
  • the accuracy (as in Power Qi) , every movement must be as close to perfection and so it must be slow, a working closed circuit where the teacher must have continuous feedback by the student;
  • Concentration, attention and concentration in each exercise, the mind must be the supervisor for each body part (as in Power Qi) ;
  • Control, control over every part of the body, you should not make reckless moves and neglected (as in Power Qi) ;
  • Fluidity, (as in Power Qi) this principle is the synthesis of all the above concepts. At its most sublime Pilates is "poetry in motion" (p. 12 of the book "Pilates, the promise of a new body" Alyce Ungaro).

Some sets, this method (as in Power Qi) as an "art form", akin to martial arts and dance, as there is a constant common to pursuit of perfection (as in Power Qi)
It 'important to stress that his work is traditionally done in sessions.

This led to the widespread use of that method, as characters of the show, practicing, have obtained results on the shape, health, psychological well-being. Results that are kept constant (such as Power Qi)
. We are often slaves to fads, and here the work of more than 40 years ago back to talk. Figuras in countries like Italy, where the news always come with decades of history to follow.

But then, what is the difference between

Power Pilates and Qi?

Try .. to experience


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