Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shoes For Really Swollen Pregp Feet

Thanks and Happy Holidays to all!

imagesCA2Q5RY3 Pending the resumption of racing let's enjoy this brief moment of pause and approfittiamone to relax and recharge your batteries. I know that most of you will not give up a yard to the road but at least try. A small period of rest will only make you good. However I want to thank you for making me feel your presence with many visits to my blog, my photos and video that I hope have been useful as a memento of your races. It 'been a busy year where he formed a good group that I hope will drive growth in the future. The club's sausage is one tangible example. Hold on and we are all united that the union is strength and who maybe is in a period of poor "shape" both physically and mentally can draw moral support from others, as happened recently. I conclude by wishing you to enjoy a carefree party that you give the right incentives for the new year is approaching. Thanks again.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Velveeta & Rotel Recipes

PD December 11, 2010 Rome

Manifestazione PD 11 dicembre 2010 Roma

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Feeling Of A Lump In Throat At Night

11:12:10 Winter Challenge, Casorate Sempione (video)

And here's the last effort of the year, the video of Casorate cool cool (having temperatures ...). Enjoy.

Birthday Cards 18 Year Old

11:12:10 Winter Challenge, Casorate Sempione

conclude here a long season of films and photos, at least for the races. I could go in any event including legs under the table ... I remember a season where I met many new friends here and I would like to start next year hope to know even more. Want to be like Matt to express what I feel at this time but there you have to settle for a simple thank you.


Today, however, it ran and ended the Winter Challenge 2010 with conclusive proof of Casorate Sempione always well Athletics Casorate organized by friends. The day is bright and the field for long stretches race is fun to run, a mixture of fields and woods. I will be three laps to go this year. In an atmosphere of seasonal sales, but still nice to 14.30 commence hostilities with the always hard-fought race of the children. At 14.45 off on time, false starting ops! The judge was forced to stop all the big group that was leaving without waiting for the shot of the street. Only one runner will start late, Julius Dorigo thought that it proceeded as before to 15.00. But in the end will come, too. The race is very tight and try to take Ivan Breda reins of the race, but is better this time and can not detach the opposition. To the fact her ribs are still very compact Antonio Salvioni Vases and Matthew do not give up a yard. Among the girls, as usual, Ilaria Bianchi engages the turbo and beep! beep! greets her colleagues and category goes to wait by a large margin at the finish. The surprise is therefore in the men's field at the track where Ivan Breda test winner but this time the extension is Matthew Salvioni not to give up and pass on the last bend. Running third Vases Antonio real surprise of the year. As mentioned in the women's all Ilaria Bianchi, then follow Cervini Paola Strozzi and Lorraine. After dining expectations awards Finished with so much joy and also with so much suspense as a prize is worthy of note, a weekend in Paris! For the record, was won by Attilio, the cheetah Luino.

Order arrival male: 1 Salvioni Matthew (Gymnastics Comense) 17'52'', 2nd Breda Ivan (Pro Sesto) 17'55'', 3rd Vases Antonio (Atl. Palzola) 18'02'' , 4th Grammatico Mattia (Cus Lakes-Atl. Varese) 18'21'', 5 Luca Scarpa (Marathon Max) 18'44'', 6th Carnovali Walter (Team 3esse) 18'44'', 7th Lucchina Massimo (Atl. 3V) 18'49'', 8th Zampini Enea (Atl. Casorate) 18'49'', 9th Amos White (Atl-Cus Lakes Varese) 18'50''10 ° Toniolo Antonio (Atl. Casorate) 18'51''.

Order Arrival female: 1st Ilaria Bianchi (Atl. Vallecamonica) 20'36''2 ^ Cervini Paola (Runners Valbossa) 22'17'', 3rd Strozzi Lorraine (Atl. Casorate) 22'31 ,''4 ^ Masciocchi Elisa (Atl. 3V) 22'34'', 5 ^ Claudia Redaelli (Avis Today) 22'34''.

The ranking of the stage are \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>> mentre quella generale <<QUI>>.

Il mio album fotografico:

Tante foto le potrete trovare anche sul blog di Antonio Capasso, AndòCorri , e sul sito di a cura di Arturo Barbieri. Il filmato “ufficiale” lo troverete a metà settimana su Telestudio8 a cura di Fabrizio Gulmini, mentre a breve ci sarà anche il filmato di Franco Rancati su youtube. Il mio filmato? Appena possibile… Naturalmente tutte le notizie possibili sul sito dell’ Atletica Casorate società organizzatrice.

ciao a tutti e BUONE FESTE!!!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Examples Of Welcome Notes For Wedding Guests

08:12:10 The video of Santa Claus Running

Ecco il piccolo contributo filmato della gara corsa a Tradate. Ma siete tutti belli!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Razor Fang Trainer Pokemon Crater

8:12:10 4th ChristmasHamper Running, Tradate

IMG_0842 In un’atmosfera tipicamente natalizia, anche se in una giornata piovigginosa, si sono ritrovati a Tradate nearly 600 "Santa Claus" for the 4th edition of ChristmasHamper Running, race organized under the auspices of the City of Trade, the sports group Marathon Max and the local branch of 'AVIS. The meeting, set during Bernacchi saw two departures of children up to 10 years before, and then up to 14 years. Good turnout of children under 10 years are among the other parties were even a rocket to 100 meters. Shortly after ten o'clock on a street now completely red for bright costumes worn by athletes off to the race "official" today can not but be regarded as having such a singularity of the race. The route was IMG_2576 reduced to 6 km for problems of traffic, so you can not encumber the city streets. For the best runners, however, it matters little whether a race is competitive or not and then immediately all the streets of the city dragging behind him a cheer from Red River that the large audience present. For the record, the victory went to Thomas, however, the vaccine that will sell to the runner-up Ivan Breda and that is what has competed in costume, and then without losing eligibility. 3 to finish Vases Antonio, Fabio Caldiroli 4 °, 5 ° and 6 ° Larch Toniolo Antonio Alberto. In the women's absolute domination of the athlete local Sara Speroni. 2 ^ 3 ^ Cangiamila Soliman and Martina Sabina. The day ended with the awards ceremony held to draw that all (and they were many) with bated breath as the prizes were really beautiful. There was a cheer from the stadium to ask for the number. Thanks to all those who have done their utmost to the success of the event.

The photo album:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How To Grow Dog Fur Back

Carefully read the instructions in the leaflet as a Personal Trainer

Click image to enlarge
Composition: Fiber
human experience, enthusiasm and adrenaline.
Presence of madness and inspiration creative.
Active ingredients:
Tenacity - persistence - a lot of goodwill.
Indications: Symptomatic treatment of
different febrile illness. Symptom contagious to those with sports passion.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to
components of the product (music & movement), symptoms of addiction to the product, want to make the move "of various kinds" and altered state of mind.
Precautions: Use with caution
. Can be addictive and states of excitement. When taken in high doses can lead to severe reactions aggregation sports.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kate Playgrounds Masterbates

Convening of the City Council

Convocazione del Consiglio Comunale in Sessione Straordinaria
- Seduta pubblica - 1^ convocazione
Lunedì 29 novembre 2010, alle ore 20,45
Visualizza Convocazione

Pilar Montenegro En Vikini

December 11: Rome Meeting on 29/11/2010

Gloryholes In Jacksonville Florida


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chesterfield Sofa Cushions

petition for aid to families

In questi giorni il Partito Democratico di Castelfranco raccoglie le firme per la petizione popolare a favore delle famiglie a basso reddito. Le firme si raccolgono nei fine settimana presso il banchetto in piazza Giorgione. 
Visualizza petizione  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Toy Story Invitations Sayings

Bersani by Fazio and Saviano

"La sinistra è l’idea che se guardi il mondo con gli occhi dei più deboli,puoi fare davvero un mondo migliore per tutti.- Abbiamo la più bella Costituzione del mondo. La si difende ogni giorno. Il 25 aprile si fa festa.

Nessuno può stare bene da solo. Stai bene se anche gli altri stanno un po’ bene. Se pochi hanno troppo e troppi hanno poco l’economia non turns because injustice hurts the economy. It takes a functioning market without monopolies, corporations and dominance. But there are goods that can not be left to the market: health, education, security.

Work is not everything, but who knows the work it does. The work is the dignity of a person. Always. And especially when you have thirty years and has ipaura to spend your life on the bench. But flexibility to call a precarious existence is an insult. And then an hour of precarious work can not cost less than an hour of steady employment.

you do not pay taxes puts his hands in the pockets of those who are worse off than him, and € 100 if a worker, a pensioner or a craftsman of the highest paying 100 € for a speculator, it means that the world is upside down.

front of a serious health problem, there can be neither poor nor rich, nor Calabrian or Lombard or Moroccan.

The teacher chasing a guy to keep him in school is the hero of our times. Weaken the public school means stealing the future of the weakest.

The status of women is the measure of civilization of a country. Calpestarnela life is the humiliation of a country.

We leave the planet better than we found it because we do not have the right di distruggere quello che non è nostro. E l’energia va risparmiata e rinnovata sgombrando la testa da fanta-piani nucleari.

Il bambino figlio di immigrati che è nato oggi non è né immigrato né italiano. Dobbiamo dirgli chi è. Lui è un italiano.

Se devo morire attaccato per mesi a mille tubi, non può deciderlo il Parlamento. Perché un uomo resta un uomo con la sua dignità anche nel momento della sofferenza e del distacco. C’è un modo per difendere la fede di ciascuno, per garantire le convinzioni di ciascuno, per riconoscere la condizione di ciascuno. Questo modo irrinunciabile si chiama laicità.

Per guidare un’automobile, che è un fatto result, it takes the license, which is a private matter. To govern, which is a public, must be good people, that is a fact-privato. Finally those who consider themselves leftists, who is considered progressive to keep alive the dream of a world at peace, without hate and violence, and must fight against the death penalty, torture and any other physical or psychological abuse.

In the end, being progressive means to combat the aggressiveness that we live in, that of the strong over the weak, man over woman, Second, it has power over those who do not. And 'take the part of those who have less power and less voice. Here ends my time, certainly not on my list. "

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yellow Water Stool In 6 Month Old Babu


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Encouragement For Friend Having A Bad Day


For the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano :''The release of San Suu Kyi is one of those rare moments when one has the sense of new horizons that open to the cause of freedom and peace in the world. The first words of the Burmese leaders have confirmed the very high national ideal and inspiration that has led in the long years in prison and continues to lead today in view of the road still long and hard.''

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Walk In Clinics In Toronto 247

odg city council Friday November 5

SUBJECT: Convening a special meeting of City Council - Public Session - 1^ convocazione.

Venerdì 5 novembre 2010, alle ore 20,45,
presso la sala consiliare del Municipio, per la trattazione dei seguenti argomenti:

1. Surroga e convalida del Consigliere primo dei non eletti in sostituzione del Consigliere dimissionario Milani Lorenzo;
2. Intervento dei rappresentanti delle associazioni AVIS, AIDO e ADMO sul tema della donazione;
3. Interpellanza presentata dal Consigliere Perin Cristiano del gruppo consiliare ''Lega Nord - Liga Veneta'' in merito al parcheggio antistante la chiesa di Bella Venezia;
4. Interpellanza presentata dal Consigliere Sartoretto S. del gruppo consiliare ''Partito Democratico- Lista Sartor'' in ordine al "Notiziario del Comune year 2010 - Finding a freelance journalist for the realization of the periodical "
5. Interpellation submitted by Councillor S. Sartoretto of the Democratic Party-List''Board''Sartor on the" PAT - audit engagement planning rules on equalization and housing credit agreements and public - private "
6. Urbana Police Municipal Regulations - Amendments
7. Regulation of the municipal register of associations and the voluntary sector. Approval;
8. Act of address on the link to the SPV - Section Castelfranco Veneto - Castello di Godego;
9. Identification under Law No 448 of 23.12.1998, and subsequent amendments, no portion of the municipal natural gas distribution, ai fini dell’applicazione della riduzione del prezzo per il gasolio e il gpl utilizzati come combustibili per il riscaldamento;
10. Rinegoziazione dei prestiti della Cassa Depositi e Prestiti ai sensi dell'art. 5 del D. L. 27/10/95 n. 444, convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge 20/12/95 n. 539. Circolare n. 1278 del 21/09/2010.
11. Progetto per la realizzazione di un fabbricato ad uso sportivo presso le strutture parrocchiali di Bella Venezia. Deroga alle norme del P.R.G. ex art. 14 D.P.R. 6 giugno 2001, n. 380, art. 80 L.R. 61/1985 e art. 6 N.T.A. del P.R.G. vigente.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blood Donation For Money In The L.a County

intervention Laura Viola

Montebelluna, 24 ottobre 2010

Hello everyone,

the directors of the circle of Castelfranco Veneto, with a unanimous decision, he feels the need to share some points which it considers fundamental

and wants to do ' inside the provincial assembly, and therefore bringing its line in the appropriate forum .

We live in a time of particular difficulty seeing hardship situations where citizens have no points of reference and feel not only politics, but politicians as part of their hardships and not as an opportunity solution.

Our club, like many others, had its where Congress has chosen the new secretary and the new Board, also with an open and frank has decided to support the candidacy of Henry Quarello following the thread of a unit that would allow liability to the party, not individuals, to take a pragmatic and useful way for the territory.

Each moment in history has its characterization, we believe now is the time for accountability, responsibility be translated into behavior, in tones of voice, ability to judge the desirability of and the consequences resulting therefrom.

As I said, we had a conference attended by a way to build awareness and enthusiasm, we all face, excited, worried and also "comforted" and together we got to choose our line.

We are an integral part of PD, we believe, we decided to commit ourselves, we are building teams dedicated to the most heard opening of ourselves to the community, to find a wide participation and perhaps even competent .

We decided not to give up and not to make us swallow the resignation never forgetting that the "difficulty" of the PD are not among the priorities of citizens, but citizens must be among the priorities of PD.

would make a good working principle of this party.

Now we just want to start working, we want to do to restore credibility to the role of politics, to be of help to all those who feel alone, without protection, without a net, we have made a choice and we farcene load we need to create confidence around our party and we need to get deserve it.

said that there is only one answer that is imperative to give the whole assembly, if democracy is a system where people can express their thoughts and have a duty to meet its responsibility for the common good, the PD has given us a great opportunity democratic Sunday, October 10, deal with, and listen to free people to find a meeting point on which converge and from which to begin a challenging and exciting journey .

Anyone wanting to camp on the theories and instrumental nebulae Our transparent, responsible and joyful participation in the political life of the PD will not find land on which to sow , we are convinced that we can stop to feed the community an image of a party divided and in disarray.

Choose the newspapers as the primary interlocutors, discredit, attack and insinuate without detailed facts and objective evidence, means present, again to the territory and not only , PD image of the "unwatchable" and "insceglibile.

Unfortunately, it is natural pensare che questo sia il fine .

Gli organi di informazione, in questi giorni, non hanno riportato obiezioni o normali “distinguo” o punti di vista diversi, ma vere e proprie accuse di indiscutibile gravità, che niente hanno a che fare con un sano dibattito politico mirato a confrontarsi, trovare la sintesi e trasformare le decisioni in buone pratiche.

Dall’altra parte i NOSTRI organi di garanzia , dopo aver preso in “attento e scrupoloso” esame i contenuti dell’esposto della candidata Carola Arena, non hanno riscontrato nessun elemento ostativo al regolare conduct of the Provincial Congress.

our bodies have expressed warranty and must be respected in their role and expressing nell'autorevolezza , otherwise we risk to enter the system "discredit and disavow that does not meet the my needs "...

... And we have a prime example today in Italy, which offers precisely this model harmful and shameful.

close my pointing out that the instability of today is not a child of fate, those who hold positions of great relief has a duty to accompany the PD to a process unit that is true in substance, even in respect of those who participate in different forms and less "visible" in the political life of PD and can not be discouraged and put in the condition of constant embarrassment ; be a part of this party at all levels, must once again be proud of.

should be defined and shared a DRAFT and should be priorities in ', to be in the service of achieving concrete results and useful for citizens , unlike the personalities are still there and always under the lights reflectors.

On behalf of the Board of Castelfranco Veneto thank you for your consideration we have given.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Can I Change My Name On My National Insurance

Oct. 21 provincial assembly group integration

The coalition, formed last round administrative castellana, brought to appoint working groups the task of feeding a network owned by and open to many more experiences addressing issues and problems, such as' integration that require thinking, analysis, wide-ranging and effective responses from many points of view of the principles, motivations and social culture characterizing the same coalition.

We all know how, following the dominant political spirit Tribunal and closed in on itself, can not be considered own problems and, therefore, not be treated and not solved the various aspects of the question generically called " integration" and how they can thus also become difficult to resolve problems then: and, for this reason, I think I can interpret the will the desire many taking the initiative to propose a meeting of coalition to create a specific working group

to 21 Thursday, October 21 at the headquarters of PD

Hoping just to please many


Rosanna Di Gaetano

Monday, October 11, 2010

Big Short Poofy Dreeses

the intervention of Congress to Laura Viola Laura Viola

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Free Online Templates For Concert Posters

circle is the new secretary of the PD of Castelfranco Veneto Castelfranco

circle of Congress 2010, the renewal of municipal and provincial offices, it was concluded today with the announcement of the new Secretary Laura Viola.
The only list presented in support of the candidate, got 74 votes to 75 (no card).
The new Leadership Circle is composed of: Sandro
Faleschini, Alberta Baggio, Mattia Panazzolo, Lisa Rebello, Alberto Scapin, Rosanna Di Gaetano, Giuseppe Esposito, Grazia Giacomazzi, Joseph Vincenti, Anita Bresolin, Paul Zilio, Antonella Di Gaetano, Lucius Bordignon, Natalia Pantano, Joseph Pietrobon.
The provincial list in support of the candidate Henry Quarello has instead received 72 votes to 75 (three cards are zero), electing 6 members in the assembly of provincial Castelfranco: Livio Frattin, Antonella Di Gaetano, Giuseppe Esposito, Laura Viola, Panazzolo Mattia, Alessandra Tessitore.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How Much Is Facial At Calayan?

Congress: Sunday, October 10, 2010 Notice of City Council

Congress for the club is called for Castelfranco

Sunday, October 10, 2010

at 9:30


Pd headquarters in Via Matteotti 14 / a

the voting will take place from 11 am to 13

The agenda is as follows:

  1. appointed by the Presidency

  2. explanation of policies and program of the candidates (within a maximum time of 10 minutes each); submission of lists of candidates for the Leadership and club for the provincial assembly.

  3. Constitution of Electoral

  4. Discussion (non-members can also intervene)

  5. conduct of the vote (only for members and entitled to vote secret)

  6. Examination and announcement of results

Friday, September 24, 2010

Song Lyrics Win The Lost At Any Cost

27 9 2010

Convening a special meeting of City Council - Public Session - 1 ^

Monday, September 27, 2010, at 20.45,


1. Communications of the Mayor;
2. Interpellation submitted by Councillors M. Schneebeli Democratic Party-list''of''Sartor, F. Basso PDL''and the''Didonè G. of the''Northern League - Liga Veneta''in order to construction operations for manure storage area in E2.3;
3. Interpellation submitted Councillor Beltramello Claudio Group Board''Democratic Party - List''Sartor on ATS tariff increases for connections to the water supply aqueduct;
4. Urgent Question submitted by Councillor Loris Stocco group Castelfranco''Board''Living on the cemetery S.Andrea OM-Treville;
5. Interpellation presented by Councilor Sartoretto Sebastian''of the Democratic Party Board - List Sartor''on the issue on the bridge via Avenale;
6. Survey on the implementation of programs and check the balance of the budget (Article 193 of Legislative Decree no. 18/08/2000 No 267);
7. Variant partial PRG for error correction map for the ZTO D2.2 east of Beech Street pursuant to art. 50 of Regional Law 61/1985 - Approval;
8. Plan of disposals and real estate valuations attached to the budget. Variant partial approval under Article PRG. 50 LR 61/85;
9. Broad administrative government for five years 2010-2015;
10. Odg on "People's Petition on 26/7/10 enlargement of the opening hours of the library and the preparation of the wi-fi in the same - resulting determinations," presented by Cons. Sartoretto S . and others.

Got Flu Shot Not Nauseous

Interpellation sewage Campi

At Mr. Mayor

the City of Castelfranco Veneto


The undersigned councilors Schneebeli Michele, belonging to the council, "the Democratic Party - List Sartor," Fiorenzo Basso, belonging to the council "of the People freedom "and Dido Gianluca, belonging to the council" Northern League - Liga Veneta,


- that in the spring of last year, a company carrying on the business of breeding, with an operating unit in Castelfranco Veneto, Via Cerchiara, had requested permission to build a storage facility of the sewage produced by the above activities in a soil pipe in the same apartment located in Via Campi Resana in Castelfranco Veneto, by installing a plastic bag size m. 30 x 50 m. and can hold about 4000 cubic meters of material ;

- the site mentioned, identified by the company, it appears to have substantial environmental problems, because: stresses in the area of \u200b\u200bresurgence (identified with the class E2.3 General Plan) ; deficiency of waterproof clay layer as an object, in the past, activities of excavation by a furnace and is approximately one meter below the ground surface, such as to be for largely covered with water for a long time during the year, and is adjacent to many homes near the very center of the village of Campi, would require several daily connections between the production site of sewage and storage, prior to storage and then emptying and dispersion in soils, such as to interfere in an inadequate road system is already compromised by the presence of a site close to logistical and crafts;

- the same Health Authority No 13 had given his opinion against the presence of the plant at the site identified by the company;

- who accepted the well-founded concern and the determined opposition to the settlement by the local community, which, in this City Council also supported by opposition groups, in a few days has, among other events, collected 1,800 signatures from fellow citizens, the City Council, at its meeting on October 19, 2009 resolved to adopt a partial variant with the implementing rules of the existing PRG's view that "All construction operations for ancillary activities related to livestock manure storage exist, such as new construction or substantial modification of manure, open tanks or closed , bags or other livestock manure storage appliances in general, must be made within the area where site is the same breeding facility standing "(Article 58.12 of the NTA);

- which is currently being approved the Plan of Spatial Planning of the City of Castelfranco Veneto, for which the deadline for submission of observations will expire on 21 August, which defines the area in question " floodable in stagnant water, and to be followed by the intervention plan,

now, therefore,


Mr. Mayor to see if the 'orientation of this municipal government is to ensure that construction operations are carried out as those mentioned in the introduction in the agricultural area E2.3 "extensive use of springs", in accordance with the resolution of the City Council of 19 October 2009, also involving themselves in the appropriate locations so that the environmental constraints provided by the Municipal Council Decision of 19 October are not subjected to limitations and, indeed , may be accepted in this new urban tools.

The undersigned request that this interpellation is included in the agenda of the next City Council.

Castelfranco Veneto, there July 17, 2010.

Michele Schneebeli

Fiorenzo Basso Gianluca


How Long To Drink After Taking Ativan

Odg petition wi- fi

Al Sig. Sindaco di Castelfranco Veneto

Al Sig. Presidente del Consiglio Comunale

I sottoscritti Consiglieri Comunali, Elena Magoga, Claudio Beltramello, Michele Baldassa, Alberto Sartor, Donata Sartor, Sebastiano Sartoretto, Dino Spaliviero chiedono che venga inserito all’ordine del giorno del prossimo Consiglio Comunale, il seguente punto:
  • Petizione popolare presentata il 26 luglio 2010 relativa all’ampliamento dell’orario di apertura della Biblioteca Comunale e alla predisposizione del servizio wi-fi nell’area della stessa. Determinazioni conseguenti.

Castelfranco Veneto, 20/09/2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Community Service Letter Hours Sample


The figure of the Personal Trainer will allow you to be followed / to individual, schedule and more than
training based on your daily run of form and availability of time you have.

The purpose of the meetings is to restore a proper range of motion, muscle elasticity and good recovery of muscle tone, all to achieve effective and lasting postural balance to accompany the person in his daily life.


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