Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Transdorm Into A Wolf With A Spell

Trophy Sempione, a small clip

DSC_0501 I am immortalized in the photo of Beppe Fierro (for AndòCorri Antonio Capasso) the moment when the tendon pain had become unbearable and so I quit for the umpteenth time to be a runner. Here then a small clip Athletics Lambro which took over the starting stages.

Getting A Bikini Wax Uncensored

... The importance of knowing how to read a calendar

Dear friends,

tell you my last glorious 10 days (and all that is cause and which follows).

Life in Brussels goes something like this: I going to work from 9 (or earlier) until at least the 18-19 (though I should finish at 17.30 - but still I always have to skip days to recover hours), I very often go out after, that I am always very tired.

Since I did the exam I thought I had more time, but the hours are filled with nothing and I wonder where I end up ... because actually I have nothing to do.

Since January I went back home 4 times: 21 to 23 January
February 8 to 9 (Padova - 24 hours with test)
February 2 to 25 (Udine)
March 11 to 14 (Cortina-Udine- Padova)
and come back even 23 to 28 March. Consider that every time it is at least an hour and a half away to the airport, an hour and a half flight, and one or two Oretta after the airport (depending on destination). I can not complain, it's my choice, and I'm fine with that. But it is logical that at the end of this generous two months have passed relatively quickly, it seems I did not combined with anything and never have time to rest ...

Sunday scorsa sono andata a Strasburgo. Partenza ore 13.30, arrivo previsto 18.12, arrivo effettivo 22.15. Quasi 9 ore in treno.
Lunedì tranquillo di cazzeggio, martedì cazzeggio dentro al parlamento.
Mercoledì ore 17.37 treno, arrivo previsto ed effettivo 22.30. 5 ore di treno.
Giovedì in Parlamento dalle 8.30 alle 18 e qualcosa, poi place Lux e cena a casa con amici e alla fine a letto all'1 passata. Scelta mia.
Venerdì sveglia ore 7, in Parlamento fino alle 12.30. Treno ore 13.02, arrivo 13.53. Autobus ore 14, arrivo previsto ore 14.20 - arrivo effettivo 14.30 causa rottura dell'autobus at the entrance and on the 10-minute walk to the terminal. Flight 15:25 hours, arriving at 16.45. By car from 17:15 to about 19.
quiet Saturday, Sunday too. In the evening 2 hour drive up to Udine.

Today in Padua. This morning I lost about 4 seconds for the train of 08.07. You know why they are in Padua? To see the professor with whom I wanted to talk about the thesis, but probably will not see it. And because I ran down quickly and quietly in fury instead of hanging one more day at home?

Why not read a calendar. He had told the professor that I would a Padova l'11, poichè guardando il calendario a lavoro ho letto Lunedì 11... quando invece 11 è la settimana dell'anno (promemoria: bruciare il calendario). Accortami della svista ho scritto alle prof giovedì pomeriggio, e pur senza avere avuto una risposta sono scesa nella speranza di trovarle.

Una mi ha già detto che non può, l'altra non mi risponde - quindi molto probabilmente non è in ufficio. E quindi io ho perso tempo, sonno e soldi... per nulla.

Morale: come direbbe la mamma, bisogna fare le cose per bene e con calma... Chi troppo vuole, nulla stringe. Stavolta ho tirato troppo...

E adesso devo andare a spostare il disco orario della macchina, perchè - ovviamente - non ho trovato parcheggio...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Removing Marks Off Iron Plate

Trophy Sempione (Just know ...)

stop run Today corporate race, the trophy Sempione. The start of 1200 I was there even though I had the unknown of the Achilles tendon and right at the beginning of the week aveva cominciato a darmi più fastidio del solito. Appena scattato l’allarme avevo provato a bloccare l’iscrizione alla gara ma ormai era tardi. Ho così optato per non correre neanche un metro per tutto il resto della settimana sperando che si disinfiammasse un po’. In effetti il dolore è diminuito ma non tanto da darmi sicurezza così avendo poca fiducia nel mio fisico ( o forse conoscendolo bene…) ho deciso di uscire sabato pomeriggio in MTB. Almeno, mi son detto, se domani ho dolore  oggi un po’ di allenamento lo faccio. Al ritrovo mi cambio ma non voglio neanche scaldarmi per paura di scoprire che non va ma poi scendo sulla pista d’atletica dell’Arena e faccio qualche giro, sembra che il Tendon can stand the pace. I start well at the start. I settle back and wait for the appropriate way as the rain increases. Here's the shot, you start looking or at least seen the inadequacy el path to welcome so many runners. First km between good acceleration and braking almost do not feel much discomfort but as I begin to find the race pace (4.30 km without difficulty) the tendon is beginning to take more and more. I had planned to stay on the 5 km, but the legs are better than what I expected, but the tendon had to make a greater effort increases forcing her disappointment just before the 4 km mark a sad retreat. Return to the Arena limping, encouraging teammates and envy a bit '. Small consolation to know that the legs still react to the efforts by continuously improving, a month ago I went to 5.15. It remains a reality that forces me to push myself to the Plan B (as he says Lucky73) ie to the bike races that will push me, unfortunately, a bit 'outside the world of running. Meanwhile, tomorrow's call to physiotherapy to know what to do, then you will probably Tecar.

For the record, the victory went to the athlete Army Crespi Merhium in 31'21, 2nd Alex Ruff (Pro Patria) in 31'30'', 3rd Stefano Casagrande (U.S. Milanese) in 31 ' 36''. Good for 9th place Marco Brambilla. In the women's winner was Anna Maria Mazzetti in (fresian Team) concludes that in 36'05''2 ^ Sara Galimberti (VIS Nova Giussano) 37'33'', 3rd Jasmine Claudia (Athletics Palzola) 4 ^ 37'38 while you place the talented Silvia Murgia (Atl. Casorate) in 37'53''.

The complete ranking is available by clicking \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>> .

For photos, go to that site by Roberto Mandelli or Blog Antonio Capasso AndòCorri .

Will tell you next time! But I do not know when it will be, if ever ...


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Milena Velba Reading Lake

Berlusconi and justice ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots Nnj

The trophy last year Sempione

those who missed what happened last year can do so by looking at the video below:

Who maybe has lost the photos can review them and download them just click \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>>.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Melina Velba Badminton

150 times ITALY

Monday, March 7, 2011

Order Sails For Ericson 29

The video StrAVIS of 5 ^ ^ 5 06:03:11 Arconate

Under a bright sun and staged the fifth edition of StrAVIS, almost entirely flat and race in the circuit of the Golden Foot. At the start missing many "big" of the circuit for the half and the concomitant obligation of Breda Ivan favorite shows to start in late guilty leaving room for a thrilling race to the last km. Breda party almost five minutes after a comeback attempt the impossible will only sixth. The race was won by Umberto Porrini (Athletics Casorate, pictured) after a head to head with fellow flight Zema Mohmed ( 2 °) and Roberto Macchi (4 °) between which is inserted at the last km Larch Alberto author of a good comeback that brought him to third place. In the women's runner this Speroni Sara (pictured) this year rider of Gymnastics Comense that one race behind the first absolute positions easily won the test. Second and third solo Karin Angotti Ilaria Bianchi that perhaps the good pays a path suited to its characteristics. Happy 4th place for Cynthia Lischetti.

IMG_4973 IMG_4994

Good organization of the race and the pleasant atmosphere of the race with a lot of side dish pasta party. Below is a video of the race. Who wants to see it on Youtube can do so by clicking \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>> . Anyone who is satisfied to see him in a small can see below. (The names I have taken in an unofficial and may be incorrect I apologize in advance, as well as time). Enjoy anyway:


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Anti-cosmetic Surgery

StrAVIS, Arconate. Photos

Here is the photo album of the 12.5 km race was won by Umberto Porrini for men and for women by Sara Speroni.

Seguirà video.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Casino Dealer Training Toronto

Sunday, March 6 From the fifth StrAVIS

Ad Arconate la locale sezione AVIS  organizza la 5^ edizione della StrAVIS,  corsa podistica non competitiva, aperta a tutti , terza prova del circuito Piede d’Oro. Come sempre lo scopo di questo evento è di informare la popolazione dell’importanza della donazione del sangue e del volontariato. Grazie anche a questa iniziativa, l’AVIS della sezione di Arconate ha visto aumentare di molto gli iscritti negli ultimi anni..
La corsa si svolgerà Domenica 6 Marzo 2011 con ritrovo presso l’Oratorio S. Eusebio e S. Agnese di via Beata Vergine, 44 in Arconate, le preiscrizioni inizieranno alle ore 8.00 e la partenza è prevista per 9.30. There will be two paths of 5 and 12 km and the cost of participation is € 5.00 and € 3.00 with no recognition and acknowledgment and part of the proceeds will go to charitable activities. Who wants to meet again may do so by looking at the video below:


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Is My Mouth Metallic

Telestudio8, the race Cadrezzate

Paola and its lake, the Golden Foot. Video by Fabrizio Gulmini of Telestudio8.

How To Make Exteriorhome Tropical

How was the collection of signatures?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does Fairy Tale Shampoo Work

8th Congress of Sports Medicine

Who is interested there is an interesting March 5 convegno a Saronno.


Mighty Guy 2 Funbrain

The Power Qi Lipari ..

Click image to enlarge

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cock Milking At Public Place

What a pain! 20:02:11

schiena Da questa mattina sono disteso lungo tirato sul letto con un immenso dolore alla spina dorsale e non riesco quasi a camminare. Sarà perchè ho tradito gli amici podisti? Dopo una settimana di intensi, per me, allenamenti avevo deciso di prendermi una domenica di riposo visto che martedì avevo corso 45 minuti, mercoledì 30 di cyclette, giovedì 30 km in mtb, venerdì 57 minuti di corsa e sabato pomeriggio per concludere 2h 30 di mtb. Sabato sera però mi ero quasi lasciato convincere da Attilio (Il Ghepardo) ad essere almeno presente in qualità di fotografo. Invece ho optato per il caldo letto e verso metà mattinata sono sceso a lavare la bici. Mentre ero chinato ad asciugarla, avevo quasi finito! il patatrac, non sono più riuscito a raddrizzarmi causa un enorme dolore alla spina dorsale. Adesso rimpiango  di non esserci andato a Cadrezzate ma soprattutto mi disturba il fatto che per un po’ non riuscirò ad allenarmi! La mia preoccupazione è che non duri troppo visto che la volta precedente, tre anni fa, avevo avuto problemi per un paio di settimane prima di non sentire più dolore. Dovrei ricominciare tutto da capo. Intanto, che dolore! ogni piccolo movimento è una fitta!!! Ahia!!!

Mario alquanto dolorante……

Explicit Brazilain Waxing

grow up ... Bye bye exams

Da quando sono al Parlamento spesso mi viene chiesto cosa voglia fare da grande. Ecco la risposta.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Much Is Hair Coloring At Jcpenney

for the Libyan people

At this time, Libya, you are consuming dramatic moments. The country is on the verge of civil war. And Muammar Gaddafi, 69 years and is currently unavailable.

The Democratic Party has promoted for tomorrow in Rome, at Piazza del Pantheon, at 18.30, a sit-in they should stop the repression in Libya and the launch of a new democratic phase . The initiative aims to urge the Italian government to assume the responsibilities we compete, leaving the painful stalemate and dall'imbarazzante silence in which it resides. Tomorrow we will tell our , lacks the voice of Italy.

participate in the initiative the national secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani, the President of the National Assembly, Rosy Bindi, the leaders of the House and Senate, Dario Franceschini, Anna Finocchiaro, activists, leaders and parliamentarians of the Democratic Party.

If you can, be part of it and you know the initiative to your friends Facebook . Download the avatar to be put in place in your profile picture. In

square and on the web. your help is important. Do not miss out.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gallbladder Cancer Ribbon Colors

Life's relax & wellness - 21 and May 22, 2011

Life's relax & wellness
That is, what belongs to life ..

psychological well-being 360 °, or a weekend of relaxation & wellness, the 21:22, 2011.

Peloro **** Resort, Hotel is situated inside the natural reserve of Capo Peloro, located Summit on the extreme north of Sicily, between the two lakes Ganzirri in the village of Torre Faro, surrounded by typical Mediterranean vegetation, overlooking the crossing of the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas, in one of the most fascinating parts of Sicily.
In the comfort of the suites and rooms Resort Cape Pelorus, in the dishes of the restaurant Casa Major, the private beach overlooking the Straits of Messina, in terms of wellness with sauna and turkish bath and magic of a unique place in the world place of the Master Class teachers UISP FITNESS SCHOOL .
Felice Joseph;
Personal Fitness & postural ISSA certified trainer , specializes in gymnastics and Pilates Vitality
Buetti Joseph ; kinesiology, specializing in fitness and wellness , personal trainer - fitness trainer

Fontana Peter ; Master of Karate teacher and albitro , Personal Trainer and Master Trainer of Power Yoga and Stretching
Field Riccard or ; Power Master Qi, personal trainer, aerobics instructor and fitness music .

The master class will be presenting:

  • PILATES: The lesson is based on the study of postural balance, thanks to the proper alignment of the muscle chains and the use of proper breathing. The goal is to bring the individual to move with economy and energy, their concentration, control, center of gravity, fluidity of movement, precision and load transfer on the limbs.
  • CIRCUIT CORE TRAINING : activities aimed at the free-body toning and activation of the "Core Stability " (pelvis, abdomen and spine).
  • PILATES VITALITY: mix of anti-stress techniques, biofeedback and rebalancing of the spine.
  • IQ POWER - Trainig INTENSITY: a new program that enriches the lesson of Power Qi. "Force" as the capacity to act, to do. Qi (ci) from Chinese means "energy", vital energy
The participation fee is € 140.00 per person Fee includes
  • 2 days. / 1 \u200b\u200bnight c / o the head of Pelorus Resort **** in double room with private bath;
  • ; treatment with full board meals with water;
  • No. 1 wellness (sauna, jacuzzi and turkish bath);
  • transfer GT coach in private a / r
  • participation in master classes held by the technical instructors UISP Fitness School
  • Single supplement € 20.00
  • reduction 3rd / 4th bed - 15% reduction
  • 3rd bed for children up to 13 years n / - 70%
  • reduction 4 ° bed children under 13 n / - 50% share
  • guide: only full board in a double room with private bathroom (no wellness program, no master class) € 120.00

Price does not include anything not specifically mentioned in "Price includes"

or deposit equal to 20% of the stay when booking
or balance within 20 days prior to arrival.

For information: Richard Campo - - \u200b\u200bcell. 3476984960

For information: Richard Campo - - \u200b\u200bcell. 3476984960

Cervical Mucus And Blood Before Period

March for Life, Varese

(sottotitolo, Marching with the effort, Welcome to the Golden Foot!)
Francesco (sx), Mario, io a dx This is the second experience as a runner this year, after several years I can put together two in a row. Unfortunately for me the second game company, today, coincides with the opening of the Golden Foot. We know that here if there is a plain one prefers to avoid it, preferring the streets impassable dell''alto Varese. This year, then the path from today's race was changed by inserting a variant called Variant "M" which I then renamed variant Damn! But let the record. In front of the store of institutional sponsor "Lighting Mini-black" is scene in the 28 ^ March for Life race about 10.5 km from the movement that I already attracts a lot of runners, Beppe swears about 800, despite the weather promises rain. Here, after saying goodbye to friends and took some photos (today there are only a few pre-race and dopogara) get ready for adventure. The way to 9.30. The habit takes me forward in the group but with a flash of lucidity recedes quickly Searching for opponents within my reach. So I put next to my chair (Fabio) and Luca. Ready on. I go softly, I feel it, around 5 per thousand but it's my pace. Well I saw what I expected. Chat and greet the many that I know and pass. Just before the 2nd km is achieved just by my chairman, Luke, from the Federica Casorate and Laura dell'Althon Run just to confirm that the speed is what it is. It starts to rain and strong rains in the wet because it also begins to rise. And I go on, and go up, and go on. Veiled and overcome the Pebble Guttuso meters without stopping and taking some satisfaction from my opponents. Go down a bit 'and here she is the famous variant M (aledetta) before departure that praised and explained to me I do not paint just fine dear Playbeppe . Read \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>> his post. ritrovo dirt road 600 m with slopes that force me tough over the last 100 meters to walk it. My decision was dictated more by the head and legs. In my few training sessions and there is just plain are not mentally prepared for the climbs. The walk is to show that I also recovered a few meters as well pushing the legs. Finally descent. Contrary to what I expected I can not recover the hard crabs. It's not like mountain bike that you ride here you have to push it anyway! From that it is all downhill to the finish line shouting, but I know that there is a tear in the Masnago. Get out while I throw back the eye and what do I see a few meters? Following my president da Claudio compagno di squadra. E io che pensavo di averli distanziati, mi toccherà non mollare fino alla fine. Vedo il cartello dei 9km e dico dai che manca poco. Ecco il castello di Masnago, imbocco la salitella sulla quale mi sarei voluto fermare un sacco di volte ma non posso, ho quei due a tallonarmi. Finalmente scolliniamo e il traguardo è li a pochi metri. Finisco coprendo i 10,700 km dichiarati dai garminiani in 53’25’’ al 254° posto. Ilaria Bianchi La prima mia volta, proprio qui a Varese, circa 20 anni fa (o anche più) mi sono piazzato 75°. Che passo da gambero che ho!. Nonostante la fatica devo dire che il percorso mi è piaciuto anche se il tempo inclemente non mi abbia dato modo di gustarmi il panorama For the record, the race was won for the men from Breda Ivan and girls by Sara Speroni . Men
Breda 1, Ivan in 38'01 "2 ° 39'07 in Luca Ponti, 3 ° 39'13 Vases Antonio", 4th in 39 Porrini Umberto '19 "5 ° 39'21 in Larch Alberto", 6 ° 39'32 in Marco Tiozzo, 7 ° 40'02 in Argoub Rachid ", 8 ° 40'10 in Brassine Maurizio", 9th in 40 Joseph Bollini '14 'and 10 ° 40'40 Maurizio Mora. " Rank
first Sara Speroni in 41'18 ", 2nd Silvia Murgia in 42'38", Cristina Clerici third in 43'27 ", 4th Ilaria Bianchi in 44'51", the fifth in 46 Elisa Masciocchi '18, 6th Lorena Strozzi in 46'37 ", 46'58 in the 7th Ilaria Zen, Cinzia Lischetti eighth in 47'42", in 9th Emanuela Fossa 48'30 "Rosanna Urso and 10th in 49'07".
Other comments to the well-organized race can be found below: Athlon Runners , Omar "Soxj" , short on Athletics Casorate and Blog IlaRun Ilaria Bianchi (pictured) today very good fourth at the finish.
close my thinking of the first successes of this year, and hopefully not last, and that he had passed someone in my company ..
The few photos taken by me:
Visualizza 2011.02.20 Marciando per la vita, Varese

More photos from the site Varesenews \u0026lt;\u0026lt;QUI>>

Mario, today, tired but happy.