The Democratic Party has promoted for tomorrow in Rome, at Piazza del Pantheon, at 18.30, a sit-in they should stop the repression in Libya and the launch of a new democratic phase . The initiative aims to urge the Italian government to assume the responsibilities we compete, leaving the painful stalemate and dall'imbarazzante silence in which it resides. Tomorrow we will tell our , lacks the voice of Italy.
participate in the initiative the national secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani, the President of the National Assembly, Rosy Bindi, the leaders of the House and Senate, Dario Franceschini, Anna Finocchiaro, activists, leaders and parliamentarians of the Democratic Party.
If you can, be part of it and you know the initiative to your friends Facebook . Download the avatar to be put in place in your profile picture. In
square and on the web. your help is important. Do not miss out.
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