Saturday, June 28, 2008

Firefox New Tab Untitled New Tab

damn bad luck!

mamma mia da qnt tempo non aggiornavo qst blog... ma daltronde sono appena tornata dalla calabria e non ho avuto modo!!! cmq mi sono gustata un'anteprima delle vacanze ...ovvero una settimana, mare la mattina, studio il pomeriggio, notte sveglia perchè per il caldo non si riusciva a chiudere non mi lamento. Sono scesa in occasione del matrimonio di mia cugina.. bellissimo..un sogno..una favola!!! qnd avrò un pò di tempo metterò qlc foto!!! E la mia cucciola come è cresciuta!!! E' un amore di bimba!!!
A parte ciò, il che è la parte andata bene, ho avuto anche un pò di tempo per fare qlc riflessione... you realize that some people who thought they were in a certain way and not at all what disappoints you because deep down you cared, we believe in it ... and the worst is to come to know certain things from other people and not directly by the person concerned ... did not have the courage! well ... I'm glad that ... in a friendship that is sincere qst think is the best thing that can happen! deep sincerity! I do not know how it will end because I really do not know how to deal with the speech, but what is sure is that it will guard jealously the memories of how it was passed but no more will I hope in the future! that's for sure! forgive but not forget! apart from the vent ... but because the bill all persons I ste ... that luck will be able to see me, smiles at me with a teasing smile ql, is close to me just a little taste of what could be if ... then bursts into laughter absurd and goes away leaving empty-handed?!? the good thing is that I do not even feature the famous saying "unlucky in gambling, lucky in love"! IO?? Unlucky in everything! find a way to circumvent it is luck !!!!!


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