Thursday, January 20, 2011

Alpha Kappa Alpha Fall Probate

many athletes of the Province of Varese Cross Paderno? Cross

correre I asked, but how many athletes in our province to Paderno Dugnano were present Sunday for the cross? I started to comb through the ranks and so I put together a bit 'of numbers.

The total number of athletes who have completed all three races were 500. The athletes in our province finishers were instead 124. The company that ever did it was to master the giallonera Athletics Casorate with as many as 47 athletes . Follows at a safe distance with 18 players il Runners Valbossa seguito dall’ Atletica Verbano con 13 atleti . Via via gli altri. Una cosa tra le società mi è balzata all’occhio e cioè che uno squadrone come l’Atletica San Marco abbia avuto al via solo 6 atleti. Mi è parsa una cosa strana al contrario dell’entusiasmo manifestato dagli atleti di Casorate. Domenica 30 si replica, si gioca in casa, vedremo se i numeri lieviteranno. Chi volesse dare un’occhiata alla tabella può farlo cliccando <<QUI>>.

Buone corse a tutti,



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