Now we at the bottom of the straight you can see the finish line, or rather, the banner of departure. Sunday it will fire the 29th Foot Golden track of weekly events that will take us until late autumn. A circuit that in recent years has had an im visibility thanks to my friend Beppe Bollini alias Playbeppe every Sunday tells us about his race and that of his opponents. Do not disdain to make judgments then the race itself always with a view of a continuous organizational improvement. It should however be noted that the circuit has particular affinity for aggregation and the competitive spirit for many stays in the background. The finish line will meet or better after the tireless Rodari Henry (pictured) armed with intent Notebook to gather with
patience the order of arrival of the first with a lot of time. Task made more difficult by the fact that those who joined the circuit is not in the official rankings. Brave decision by the Governing Council who still pay in terms of participation. Anyone who is not entered in a race circuit in fact "non-competitive" and is not rewarded. Another player to watch in the literary sense is Omar whose blog is more and more below. Sunday so there will be the first step in Varese, the 28th March for Life, 10km starting at 09.30. For all the information just click on the site link: Golden Foot.
the evening of Wednesday, February 23 2011, at the ACLI's Quinzano (beside the church), PU.MA SPORT and Group Running Quinzano organize an evening in which we discuss Shoes & Accessories in the race. This meeting is open to all fans who want to learn more about running shoes and various accessories. The speakers will be Antonio & Silvia PU.MA SPORT. HERE found the flyer / invitation for the event. The
February 25 Friday, the veils will be removed the 13th edition of the Tour of Varese. The appointment is for 21.00 per Casorate Sempione at the Moot Hall "Peppino Impastato" in Via Verbano 19.
Good racing to all and Sunday ... I hope to be at the start with you.
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