Sunday, April 20, 2008

Congratulation Saying To Someone Who Is Pregnant


One of my passions (besides Antonacci course) is undoubtedly the sauce!
I turn to this world two years ago and, despite having attended for only a few months, the dance school, she entered the sauce in the heart and not just feel like a Cuban rhythm I can not resist ... dance, dance, dance! Too bad that scarce the dancers!
Anyway anywhere in the world to be appointed this word, everyone will know what you're talking about. A hot and spicy pace, which forces you moving and swaying her legs. Salsa is actually an umbrella term that includes several Caribbean and Cuban rhythms like Son, Cha-Cha-Cha or Merengue. It is more a feeling a specific rhythm or musical expression. La Salsa is not always fast and intense, but can also be slow, romantic or a mix of both types of rhythm.

There are various schools, styles and techniques, but the main ones are the Cuban salsa and Puerto Rican salsa , which in turn can be divided in other subdivisions.
While there are predefined sequences of movements, called choreography or figures, the concatenation of these to each other is based on improvisation, so is the imagination of the dancers build the various dance steps throughout the 'arc of the piece.
In the countries of origin, the dance of salsa has always been part of culture and ' collective identity so deeply entrenched. The version that was exported in the Western world, for the use of dance schools, clubs, dance halls of
, is often "cleaned" and packaged in the style of salsa from the show, as opposed to the sauce instead of the road, or that of its Caribbean countries. In
sauce road, in fact we find a way to dance-related extemporaneous improvisation, sometimes little choreography, and based mainly on body movements performed in perfect harmony with your partner.
The sauce from the show, however, is more figurative and built, it gives greater prominence to the style of movements in space and in time, "canonical" rhythm, there are numerous choreography and step sequences coded and scanned as personal baggage of the dancers , and sometimes, it does so at the expense of "spontaneity" instinctive feeling 'own' the rhythm and the musical vibrations. In any event, there are pros and cons in both styles.


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