Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cheats For Electric Box Level 19

Pleasure, Walnut

noci2 On my kitchen table is now fixed for a while 'time a tray full of walnuts. My wife likes me too and do not mind. You tell me, and I will do well but I heard it I do not know why. So I read here and there in order to understand a bit 'more, and if that was the case to hold the tray in hand (or mouth) or not. Hence: the nut is a plant native to Asia (Himalayan), introduced in Europe in ancient times.

The Romans used the wood, very hard and highly prized in cabinet making: the tree is very vigorous, as it can get up to 20 m high, and long-lived, because there are century-old specimens. Its cultivation is very easy: just needs a lot of space because their roots stretch far into the ground, the rest good resistance to heat and cold, does not need fertilizer because of large roots explore a large area of \u200b\u200bland, should not be pruned except to remove broken or dead branches.

The fruits are a high energy food, especially suitable for feeding to children and adolescents, are very rich in calories as unsaturated fat (HDL) that cleans up the arteries the bad cholesterol (LDL), are also mineralize and a good tonic because they contain good amounts of: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, sulfur, calcium and vitamins A, B, C and E. These vitamins are very important in the fight against aging and cardiovascular disease.

generally are good for all people who feel weak and exhausted, both physically and mentally. In general, this dried fruit protects the entire cardiovascular system from the onset of disease and helps keep it healthy, keep in good health even giving it the skin's natural moisture and elasticity also counteracting eczema, acne and rashes and is described as healing, antiseptic the intestine and against diarrhea. As good results even against ocular and genital infections, as a stimulant of pancreatic and liver functions, and generally to improve digestion (although I have not figured out how since it is a long digestion of food, over 3 hours). The optimum daily ration ranges from 3 to 5 nuts per day.

Ultimately walnuts are a very healthy food and strongly recommended for athletes, best friend, useful in combating stress, fatigue and tiredness.

tray I keep it! Mario


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